Dec 21, 2011 15:32
[Hello, Luceti. Have a sad-looking mermaid standing on the shore of the snowy beach. In the background, a pile of soaking plywood and bits of fabric and clothes have washed onto the shore, with more floating in on each crashing wave.]
...It looks like my house floated away.
[She sighs, holding in a sniffle.] ...Again.
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[LJ IS NOT LETTING ME CHOOSE A USERPIC. Here, I'll just link to the one I want on the comment:
It happened before... about six months ago. [She sighs, sinking back into her wheelchair.]
[There is a long pause. Then:] You could always stay at mine, for a bit, if you need some time.
[He's not sure of the logistics of that. Would she have to stay in the bathtub? Cullen House IS by the sea, but not IN the sea.]
Thank you... Jack-chin, but Sanji-chin has already offered up a room with the Straw Hats.
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