Trick or Treat

Dec 08, 2016 14:30

I love Halloween. It brings out my inner child - I mean when else can you dress up as a ghoul and extort candy from your neighbors after dark with your parents acquiescence. This Halloween I took my son who is eight and Maddie, a friend of his who is a year older Trick or Treating around our neighborhood while my wife Patty stayed behind to hand out candy. My son actually ran from door to door in a state of candy fueled ecstacy while Maddie clumpped along behind him complaining that her feet hurt and asking if we could go home soon. I had to surpress laughing at the pure contrast between the two of them.
"Oh, Maddie, let's hit a few more houses. Those over there have their porch lights on." I said, smiling. And off my son sprinted. 
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