
Jun 04, 2010 02:10

Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining West Side Story and Fraiser.
The story should use gay relationships as a plot device!

Generated by the Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator

First one that said things I actually understood.... but I don't think it counts as fan fiction. I'm pretty sure Frasier already did an episode like that.

Book thing. Grab nearest book, page 123,sentence 4. Don't look for a good book, just the closest book.
[I literally just stuck my hand out and started grabbing stuff until a book happened.]

This may explain why a 2006 study discovered that they "don't provide much of an academic boost when the get to college." Some very fine high schools have eliminated these courses because they tend to be so poor.11 But of course these schools are the exception. In most places, it's simply assumed A.P. classes must be the best in the school, simply because they are the hardest ones in the school.

What happened to livejournal? Everyone stopped posting and then all of a sudden, someone I didn't even know had a livejournal started posting like crazy.
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