
(no subject)

Feb 03, 2007 22:28

Sometimes, I really really hate the collective stupidity and red-tape bullshit that is known as the Veterans Administration (VA).

I'm supposed to get my check on Monday. But they shorted me a class, which essentially shorts me out of $250 a month.

I sent back a letter, clearly explaining that the Accounting Class they weren't counting:
a) had not been taken before,
b) was on my degree plan,
c) was not the same as Financial or Managerial Accounting. Those classes were 3 hour classes and taught theory. This class is mainly practical application (it has a lab). There is nowhere in any degree plan or course documenting that one class can replace the other.

It fits ALL criteria.

Instead, they send it right back, class not accounted for. If I don't submit my classes, then my check I depend on to pay my rent/insurance/etc won't be here for another 5 to 7 days.
This is something that should be able to be cleared up with a phone call, but instead, the motherfuckin' offices at ACC have their phones stating "Do not leave us a message until after the 5th of February".
This would take 2 minutes, 2 fucking minutes to fix, and I have to delay several days and take 30 minutes out of my day, to fix something a phone call should be able to .

I really, really, really hate how they have to make everything a bureaucratic red tape nightmare.

This rant was brought to you by the letters P and the letters O.


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