
Racism, Butter, and Why Anne Rice Can Go Fuck Herself

Jun 23, 2013 11:25

We've all heard about the Paula Deen thing.
I didnt get too angry. Racists in the south, its not a real surprise. Paula Deen, in a legal deposition, sworn under oath, admitted to some racist behavior, and is accused of a lot more. Story steamrolled, reached critical mass, Paula Deen saw the writing on the wall in 96 point IMPACT, and made a weak apology. And FoodNetwork did the right thing, and opted not to renew her contract that runs out in a month. I was ired enough that I wouldnt buy anything Paula Deen, but things were going like they're supposed to.

But then, the tides of AWP rolled in. Every minute on the FoodNetwork fb feed, there's another AngryWhitePerson post, outraged at Paula Deen's dismissal.
And then the rage came.
So many people completely oblivious of privilege.
So many people, clueless as fuck to the idea that apologizing when you're busted, means that no one should take any punitive action against you.
So many people, dismissing the racism as its just a casual expression of her environment, oh she's not one too blame.
So many people, incapable of reading, believing she's being crucified for some use of the N word she let slip 25 years ago.
So many "they get to say the N word, why can't we?" entitlement arguments.

And then my mind got blown.
Ive actually told people to follow Anne Rice's page lately. She seems fairly progressed in some of her views, and shes very involved on her fb page, I've received a few comments replied to from her myself. It was an interesting chance to interact with an author.

And Anne Rice, esteemed author, weaver of words and of the symbolism and power that they hold, equates Paula Deen being fired, to a "crucifixion" and a "lynch mob". Despite multiple protests from fans who point out that "lynching" is what was done to black people in history, (where they were found hanging from a tree, or in later years, dragged behind a pickup truck), and that using that term to defend a white woman who had admitted acts of racism is not acceptable, Ms Rice continued. She essentially victim-blamed the defendant, and implied she shouldn't have been offended because the defendant in the lawsuit against Paula Deen and her brother, were white. She bleated sympathy for Mrs Deen, who made the grievous mistake and bad judgment of confiding in a white woman and lamented that the woman's sheer motive was money, she couldn't have possibly been offended at the hostile work place. Paula Deen's firing was the cause of smug hypocrites, not people who were justified in being upset at her blatant racism. She then told people who have been the target of racism, what wasnt racist and what "true racism" is.

Fuck Anne Rice. Im going to get a book of hers, and I'm going to soak it in charcoal lighter fluid, then I'm going to burn it on the grill, and I'm going to film it. While reading many of the various defenses were by people who couldn't display a 7th-grade comprehension of English and grammar, Ms Rice is educated, accomplished, and not stupid.

racism, butter, paula deen, anne rice, racism apologists

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