Title: A Beginning Song
Song: The Decemberists, "A Beginning Song"
Fandom: Mariners baseball
Spoilers: For the 2016 season, heh
Summary: I am wanting, should I be wanting?
AVI ( MB) (right click, save target as to download)
Warnings: None
Streaming at YouTube
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Let's commence to coordinate our sights
Get them square to rights
Get them square to rights
I am waiting, should I be waiting?
I am wanting, should I be wanting?
When all around me
When all around me
Now commence to kick each brick apart
Center on your heart
Starting with your heart bright heart
I am waiting, should I be waiting?
I am wanting, should I be wanting?
When all around me
When all around me
Is the sunlight
Is the shadow
Is the quiet
Is the word
Is the beating heart
Is the ocean
Is the voice
Is you
My sweet love
(My sweet love)
Oh my love
(Oh my love)
And the light, bright light
And the light, bright light
Bright light
Bright light
is all around me
is all around me
It's all around me
It's all around me
All around me
Turns out I REALLY love baseball, and the Mariners in particular. This season of theirs felt pretty special, even though they didn't even make the playoffs. Maybe it's because it was my first season truly as a fan, but I needed to share my feelings.
Thanks to
renenet for giving this a once-over before posting and providing me some of the most beautiful and smart feedback ever. My goodness. If you ever need to feel better about yourself, have her look at your vids. <3 And thanks to the folks who post baseball footage on YT. Literally could not have made this vid without it!
(I'm trying out an updated vidder name: SDW Vids. I haven't decided how I feel about it, but for now, that's what I'm gonna go with on actual vids. I'll still be sdwolfpup all over social media.)
Two am early Monday morning seems like the PERFECT time to post a vid! Heh.
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