I have fannish content!

Mar 02, 2016 17:50

Here are some things I've been super fannish about lately, as I can't spend another second thinking about politics:

I thought after I finished Dragon Age: Inquisition that some of my fervor for it may have died down but it TURNS OUT that is not true at all. Heh. I still want to be playing it constantly, except now I can't convince myself it's okay to carve out the time to do so because I already played it through once and playing it again is just time-wasting I can't afford. So I live in a constant state of yearning, basically. (Well, I am playing it, but very quickly and with specific goals to capture footage so I can make my Inquisitor/Blackwall vid because THIS IS WHO I AM NOW, but it's not the same as really playing it).

To fill that hole, I've been reading fic. A lot of fic. ALL THE FIC. Well, not all the fic, but some fic, as much as I can sneak in in drips during the day. It's been great. I also have been head-writing the longest, most epic my Inquisitor/Blackwall fic that I kind of want to write-write except I think I may just keep it safely in my head where I can love it unconditionally. Then of course there's the vid I'm working on, which I love but I just discovered the song is to a VERY well-known fannish vid (that I never watched, heh), so I suspect it will remain a junk drawer vid. This has turned out to be surprisingly freeing, though, because now I can be as ridiculously over-the-top as I want without having that darn editor in the back of my head telling me to tone it down.


I've started watching Sense8 thanks to the my Twitter list. I've only seen the first 2 episodes (spoil me and I will END YOU), but IT'S SO SUPER GOOD AND I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH ALREADY. Wow. WOW. I need to have a little sheet with their names next to me still, though, as it's been a few days since I saw episode 2 and I'd forgotten everybody but Wolfgang and had to go look up my list. Heh.

I want to inhale the rest of the episodes but this is definitely not a kid-friendly show that I can have on while they do other things, and I keep falling asleep at night, so I'm forced to wait for long lunch periods. Soon, though. SOON. I try to tag my reaction tweets #Sense8 when I watch, if you want to see me flailing over there about the first two episodes (try this: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23sense8%20from%3Asdwolfpup&src=typd). But mostly it can currently all come down to: 1. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH (especially Capheus omg); 2. I don't have any idea what's happening but I love it; 3. They are all VERY ATTRACTIVE. I have to cover my eyes so I can actually pay attention to the dialogue when Lito is onscreen. I look forward to watching and flailing more!


And Hamilton of course. Always Hamilton. I'm going to go ACTUALLY SEE IT in April which I can't think about too much or I alternate between vibrating with excitement and clenching my garments in anxiety that something will happen to keep me from going/Leslie Odom Jr. won't be performing. So I'm mostly just putting off thinking about it at all.

Other cool things on my calendar for the year so far: Peter Mulvey/Tony Furtado concert (which I thought I was going to have to miss but looks like I will be able to make YESSSS); Mariners Home Opener with Brynn; Flight of the Conchords concert; Weird Al concert; Vividcon; family vacation (Motorhome 2: This Time It's Personal). All the things lie before me! I just have to plan and budget for them accordingly.

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sense8, life stuff, hamilton the musical, dragon age

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