I recalled, um, yesterday, that I'm in charge of the Due South hour at Vividcon this year. Yay, due South! But I need help figuring out how to shape it. Here are my three ideas:
1. Fraser & His Rays - An hour talking specifically about Fraser, Ray, and Ray, and how vids about them differ, both in subject matter and visual/aural cues. Discussion & sample vids.
2. The Three Fannish Waves (So Far) - due South fandom seems to have come in three waves so far: the initial fannish run including the Ray Wars; the first revival in the 2000s' where polyshipping really took hold; and the current revival that is exploring and expanding on the world and the secondary characters. Vids from each "era" as well as discussion about the subjects people focus(ed) on in vidding and where to go in the future. Discussion & sample vids.
3. Best Of - dS has an impressive history of vids, and this is an hour to hit fannish favorites! Suggestions will be gathered and I will curate a show consisting of as many as I can fit in 45 minutes. Vidshow only, possibly will provide time after each vid for a minute of squeeing if there's interest.
SO. Which of those three would you like the due South timeslot to focus on? Please vote!
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