A meme! That's the thing!

Aug 08, 2014 09:41

Even though I am probably the least well-read person my flist and thus usually avoid doing book-related memes because I'm weirdly kind of embarrassed to talk about it around y'all, I'm gonna do this one because it's been way too long since I posted. I have unanswered comments but I'm throwing caution to the wind! Plus it's VVC weekend so I need something fun to do. :)

A. Author You’ve Read The Most Books From
B. Best Sequel Ever
C. Currently Reading
D. Drink of Choice While Reading
E. E-Reader or Physical Books
F. Fictional Character You Would Have Dated In High School
G. Glad You Gave This Book A Chance
H. Hidden Gem Book
I. Important Moments of Your Reading Life
J. Just Finished
K. Kinds of Books You Won’t Read
L. Longest Book You’ve Read
M. Major Book Hangover Because Of
N. Number of Bookcases You Own
O. One Book That You Have Read Multiple Times
P. Preferred Place to Read
Q. Quote From A Book That Inspires You/Gives You Feels
R. Reading Regret
S. Series You Started and Need to Finish
T. Three Of Your All-Time Favorite Books
U. Unapologetic Fangirl For
W. Worst Bookish Habit
V. Very Excited For This Release More Than Any Other
X. Marks The Spot (Start On Your Bookshelf And Count to the 27th Book)
Y. Your Latest Book Purchase
Z. ZZZ-Snatcher (last book that kept you up WAY late)

Puptoo update: she stood up unassisted yesterday from a sitting position. O.o We suspect walking is imminent. She's certainly climbing enough to keep us super duper busy.

This entry was cross-posted at my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
comments at DW)

meme-tastic, puptoo, books: those things with pages

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