Joyfulness abounds!

Jan 09, 2014 14:36

You guys are kicking butt at More Joy Day, once again! Well done everyone! :D

So far today I have left money to pay for the next person behind me at Jack-In-The-Box (I got a craving for a breakfast Jack) and left a few random messages to folks on Tumblr telling them why I think they're great. But I also wanted to do something here, but it has to be something low-key because holy crap am I busy with work for the next several weeks. So I figured I would combine the ease of scrolling through Tumblr with the joy of sharing fannish squee and offer the following:

You leave a character or show/movie in comments and I will find a squeeful cap or post on Tumblr and link you to it/post it in comments!

If I can't find anything on Tumblr that suits, I will try to turn to Google. Or make it myself IF I MUST (hint: I just took some caps from the movie Trapeze so that would be a good one if you're so inclined *g*).

ION: I finished my Festivid! And managed to figure out how to export it so the AR was not totally screwed up! Now just to upload and then send in my submission and I can breathe easy until reveals! (Ahahaha a total lie as I have almost given up my source SO MANY TIMES you guys don't even know. I want to taaaaaaalk about it. But I caaaaaaaan't. This might be the year I slip up though. I feel slow-minded and sloppy about it this year. I'm triple-checking every post I make that even talks about Festivids, just in case.)

This entry was cross-posted at my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
comments at DW)

more joy day, joy to the world, festivids

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