It's time for Festivids reveals! Here's the vid I made this year.
Title: We Are Having A Hootenanny
Song: The Magnetic Fields, "We Are Having A Hootenanny Now"
Fandom: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Spoilers: For what's aired so far
Summary: It's chock full of hoot, just a little bit of nanny.
AVI (60 MB) (right click, save target as to download)
Warnings: None
Streaming at YouTube
Click to view
we are having a hootenanny now
we are having a hootenanny now
do-si-do down to our hoedown
our rootin' tootin' hootenanny
having a hootenanny now
come and take our personality quiz
come and take our personality quiz
get the lowdown on our hoedown
we'll tell you where it is
if'n you take our personality quiz
there'll be somebody there who understands
there'll be somebody there who understands
they won't eat you, they will greet you
and gaze into your eyes
and there'll be somebody there who understands
we are having a hootenanny now
we are having a hootenanny now
do-si-do down to our hoedown
our rootin' tootin' hootenanny
having a hootenanny now
This was made for
amathela for Festivids! Thanks to shoesforall for overall beta services and
brynnmck for emotional beta. Hee. Any remaining awkwardness in the vid is mine and mine alone! Summary borrowed shamelessly from Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.
All feedback, comments, or concrit are welcome, either here or through email (sdwolfpup (at) gmail (dot) com).
This entry was cross-posted at
my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
comments at DW)