Spoiler alert: it was awesome

Oct 21, 2013 16:53

I made it to the concert! \o/ \o/ \o/

Not only did I make it to the concert, but I worked that day (this was my first week back at work) AND I took a shower. Talk about feeling like a total rockstar.

This is where I was going to put my concert report and ~feelings~ but it's been multiple days and all of my thoughts are gone. Mostly it boils down to: Peter Mulvey is my favorite musical artist right now and I was thrilled to be able to attend and he was incredible as always. Not only did I attend, but I arrived on time and stayed the whole show and then talked about earthquakes with him afterward. It was good times! His voice sounded particularly lovely that evening, and he used a lot more high notes than I recall him doing in the past. I didn't take my camera with me, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm kind of regretting it. ALAS. Next time!

I also got my Festivids assignment and after an initial "...huh!" (I actually didn't realize ---SENTENCE REDACTED since I think it might be spoilery) I have already (I think) found my vid song and have the source ready to go. WOO. Now I just need to install my vidding software. And actually, you know, MAKE A VID. Ah hah hah hah. *panics*

No Sleepy Hollow tonight! BOOOOOOOOOOO. Also Parks & Rec is going on unexpected hiatus for most of the rest of this year! MASSIVE BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Good thing I have Festivids to keep me busy.

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concert report, peter mulvey, festivids

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