Today we got another ultrasound look at Puptoo

Apr 17, 2013 20:25

And it turns out: it's a girl! Once again my baby-prognosticating dream skills are accurate. I'm 3/3 (two for myself, one for a friend). If I ever dream any of you are pregnant, I will warn you. *g*

More importantly, Puptoo is also looking very healthy and growing well. I am also doing well, though the last couple of weeks have been unbelievably stressful (health-of-loved-ones concerns, one of our dogs is in serious decline (and the other one suddenly may be as well as of yesterday), money problems, and work problems), so I could really use a nap most days.

I asked Puplet what he thought we should call his sister, and he suggested "Spot." I think we have a winner. Truthfully, we are floundering about more for names this time around than we did with Puplet; AHH and I both happened to have the same favorite boy name and it fit him perfectly. We've got three girl names we're mulling over, though one of those was suggested tonight by my mom and I LOOOOVE it but it's based on a character so I'm not sure how I feel about THAT part of it...but it's such a good name...IDK, IDK. Anyway: names. We are working on it. Hee.

In other news, we read three Gerald & Piggie books to Puplet before bed tonight and I remembered how Gerald is basically my soulmate. I love those books - and that character - so much. His FACE.

In totally unrelated news: I hate ripping source. Sigh.

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puptoo, puplet, a weird and a wonderful show, books: those things with pages

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