I have actual non-FMM related thoughts!

Mar 09, 2011 21:25

I mean I also HAVE FMM thoughts (including: I can't believe how nail-biting the Eleven vs. Veronica Mars race has gotten! I am really invested in Troy beating Sherlock Holmes. My bracket is so very very wrong. FMM has RUINED MY LIFE for the last week and I will be glad when it's over! Heh).

But anyway. There is other stuff happening around these parts! We've started season 2 of Better Off Ted and I'm still enjoying it. Veronica gets better and better ("the hand wants what the hand wants" = BEST EVER) and I love Phil and Lem to pieces. I'm even enjoying Ted himself more and more.

I'm reading - and loving! - comics still. I've started the Birds of Prey monthly series. Babs is still my favorite. I still really don't like Batman himself very much. I still ship Babs/Dick to a kind of terrifying degree.

With news of the next A Song of Ice and Fire book coming in July, I finally decided to start my re-read of the first four books (*waves to QOT*). I'm about three chapters into Game of Thrones and remembering how very much I love the series. It's been so long since I've actually READ any of the ASOIAF that my interaction with it had been replaced by the memory of it and my feelings about GRRM. Going back to the source material has been refreshing. And also heart-wrenching because I REALLY love Ned and I want to screech "NOOOO" at everything he does, knowing what's coming. I don't recall the details of his death, just that I spent all of the second book assuming he'd come back because you don't just kill off main characters. How naive I was. Also, I still loathe Viserys and I'm glad he's going to die sooner rather than later. Ugh.

Aaaaand Dragon Age 2 arrived today! I've played about 10 minutes and I'm already <3_<3 over it. That's another one where it had been awhile since I've interacted with it directly and I was reminded of WHY I loved it so. I'm playing a female warrior for this go-round, because I find warriors easiest to play the first time through in games like this. They really did step up the graphics this time, and it's interesting to see the Mass Effect dialogue wheel come into play. I also imported the events from my DA:O character, so I'm really interested to see how that plays out. Man, I loved that character. I spent a lot of time with her!

Anyhow, Puplet is asleep and this is precious DA2 playing time I'm spending here. I expect I'll be pretty devoted to it over the next couple of weeks, so if you need me, unplug my Xbox. *g* (Oh, and VOTE TROY in FMM!)

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fandom march madness, dragon age, better off ted, comics, books: those things with pages

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