"What's he gonna do, not let me back in?"

Feb 01, 2011 09:50

Before I get started, I have watched more Festivids and have a few more recs!

The Rules of Parenting (Modern Family) - Super funny and touching and a stellar use on dialogue.

O Death (The Book of Eli) - Holy crap this is fantastic. Gorgeously done and so moody. Wonderful use of a great song.

State of Confusion (The Big Lebowski) - This is a GENIUS song/movie combination. Very funny vid. You probably don't need to have seen the movie to enjoy it, either.

Untitled (Pulp Fiction) - I don't know if you've need to have seen the movie to see this vid, either, but it probably helps. Although I've only seen Pulp Fiction once, and that was years ago, and I still left the world's longest comment to this vid gushing over how amazing it is, so. Seriously - the craft and intention and technique that just oozes out of every acid-dripped pore of this vid is impressive. (It's Quentin Tarantino, so assume a warning here for violence, blood, drugs, and sex.)

So many vids watched and SO MANY more to go. You're still welcome to try to guess which one I made! I have not commented on it, if that helps at all. *g*


This seems like a terrible marketing spiel: "When your little girl's dressed like a fairy princess, you'll find that she whispers like one, glistens like one and listens like one too. Aren't well-behaved fairies the best?" Ugh. Ugh. UGH.

In news that made my heart hurt a little: Decemberists on 'hiatus' after this tour. Nooooooooooooooooooo.

But they do have the #1 album right now! Aw. Yay!

This article about them also made me happy. Excerpt: "Maybe we'll become a pop band, finally," Funk muses. "But I just look at photos of us, and I'm like, 'Well, there's your first problem.' We look like we should be at a farmers' market, serving scones or something." (I LOVE THEM.)

I have read SO MANY articles/blog posts about them this month with the release of this album. It's been GREAT.

Here's the Original Muppet Show sales pitch. AMAZING. I would buy the hell out of that show. And yet not a single US network did.

Did I ever tell you guys that everything Wentworth Miller and William Fichtner are in from now on I consider a Prison Break AU? No? Well, I do. It's quite an interesting canon in my head. Alex and Michael are up to some SHENANIGANS, let me tell you.

It also makes this movie EVEN MORE HILARIOUS. Don't think I'm not going to watch that, cheering for Fichtner the whole time. *g*


I have been (mostly) keeping up with my photo-a-day project. I missed three days in a row when I had the flu, plus one random day last week, but otherwise I've been doing well. I'm not going to post pictures 15-27, if you want to see them all, you can at my Tumblr. Here are a few of my favorites from that period.

Photo 19: the moon early that morning

Photo 22: I'm really obsessed with hands.

Photo 27: And kitties. :)

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vid rec, the decemberists, festivids, project 365, prison break

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