"Unfortunately, you are made of meat."

Dec 10, 2010 23:21

Holy crap I NEED A SOKKA ICON. Especially one of him with the baby sabretooth mooselion. Oh show, your cracked-out animal configurations are the BEST. (Like the turtle-duck! Hee.) Anyway, the show has been hitting it out of the park consistently now. "Zuko Alone" was fantastic, and I was wary going into it of an entirely Zuko episode, but it really worked for me (poor baby Zuko! I teared up when his mom left, NGL). "The Chase" was great and also a)Azula FREAKS ME THE HELL OUT YOU GUYS and b)I love her badass trio of female hunters but I really can't wait until they are all taken care of because SEE POINT A. Then "Bitter Work" had Iroh being hilarious and more woobie Zuko (PS - still shipping Katara/Zuko, in case you were wondering) and TOPH and Aang struggling with earthbending and SOKKA IS THE MEAT AND SARCASM GUY. ♥ ♥ ♥

I love them all SO MUCH. How did this happen?

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