America, look at your life. Look at your choices. (Stolen from a comment on ontd-p.)
Stupid fucking Washingtonians, where the hell do you think we're going to get money to pay for education and social services and all the things that actually matter? Really, you voted down the CANDY TAX? REALLY? JFC. I CAN'T EVEN.
I am honestly not looking forward to the next two years. I expect the Republicans to spend this time repealing every thing the Democrats have done (a policy of negativity - that never ends badly!) and focusing on how to win the 2012 Presidential election instead of - as they're spouting this morning - actually getting anything worthwhile done. (Well, worthwhile in terms of what will actually help most people. They will probably manage to get a bunch of shit done for the rich folk and special interests. And the "Real Americans.")
And, hey, Rand Paul won! RAND PAUL. REALLY? REALLY?!?!?!?
BRB, headdesking forever.
ETA: I know there are Republicans on my flist. If you're so inclined (and if not, that's okay too), I would welcome some sane discourse from the Republican side; everything seems to be drowned out by the strident, crazy voices of the Right and that's what honestly scares me. I hate the culture of fear and negativity that the Republicans seem to be lording over everyone and the way the US is responding to that. I also don't like the way Republicans always seem to aim for social services as the first on the chopping block, because, again, they're dedicating all their funds to prisons and war. And I say this as someone who used to be registered Republican and is now an Independent (because the Democrats? Not all that great either, IMO).
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