Bitchin Party attendees - help?

Mar 15, 2010 08:57

I am modding the Fandom Is Part of My Life, Too panel at bitchinparty (Summary: An interactive discussion on how we juggle fandom with school, work, relationships, and family, as applicable) and I could really, really, REALLY use a co-mod (or two!). Is anyone interested? Please? Heh.

Here are some gorgeous photos of homosexual couples getting married in DC. I feel like these pictures should invalidate all the arguments against gays and lesbians getting married. This is beautiful, and loving, and isn't hurting anyone.

There is a new Treme trailer out. It's longer and AWESOME and I finally caved (between this, Game of Thrones, and The Pacific) and ordered us HBO. They've given me so much good entertainment over the years, and our cable company is having a really good deal, so I figured I should put my money where my entertainment wants are. I'm gonna need a new Treme icon though. *goes searching*

ETA: I did find this behind the scenes thing about it which not only taught me how to actually SAY 'Treme' (I was saying it 'Treem,' not 'tre-may') but also reminded me of all the awesome people in the cast: Wendell Pierce! Clarke Peters! Khandi Alexander! ♥ I am hopeful that this show will have a better female representation than The Wire did. It's my only real critique of The Wire, and it still gave us Rhonda and Beadie and KIMA. I love me some Khandi Alexander, though.)

ION, thanks to Netflix we've recently seen God Grew Tired Of Us, which was a powerfully moving documentary about the Lost Boys of Sudan (man, talk about things that make me eternally grateful for my first world problems; their story is astonishing); Up In The Air, which I found unexpectedly depressing - of course, I actually thought Ryan was going to have cancer from that opening bit, so I guess it could have been worse ; and Food, Inc, which was...well. This is like that time I went vegetarian for a year after reading Diet For A New America. Heh.

Overall the weekend was kind of a total waste, though. I don't even remember what I did. How is it gone already?

Oh wait, I did get my Vividcon registration in and confirmed (9:01 PST thanks to my friends ♥). WOOOOO VIVIDCON. See y'all in August!

...and I only just now realized, listening to this song, that Dashboard Confessional is probably a Christian rock band. Holy shit I am so slow sometimes. *facepalm*

politics is fat and ugly, pacificon, treme, movies

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