If five things make a post, what do seven things make?

Mar 11, 2010 07:30

1. GO VOTE FOR TEMPERANCE 'BONES' BRENNAN at Fandom March Madness! Don't you want a Bones vs. Buffy finale? I KNOW I DO.

2. My friend wrote the book In For A Penny and I just finished it last night (sneaking it with me everywhere because wow do I so not have time to read these days) and I LOVED IT. (You know how fan friends sometimes get published and you read it and you secretly kind of worry it might not be good but you want to support them? I totally did not even worry about this with her, and lo and behold, I was right not to.) You will love it, too! One of my favorite things about it is that the protagonists actually like each other from the get-go, and the romance of their relationship is moving past that polite, initial connection to find the real person beneath. Plus Nev is a total sweetheart while still being sort of rakish and I'm not sure how she pulled that off, but it's pretty much my favorite kind of hero. Plus there's all this other interesting plot stuff going on! That I don't want to spoil! Hee. Anyway: two thumbs up, highly recommended!

3. Vividcon registration is THIS SATURDAY at 9:00pm US Pacific/midnight US Eastern time. WOOOO. I hope that I am awake, as I've been going to bed with Puplet around that time. I am making a solid effort, though, because VIVIDCON. I can't bear to miss a second year in a row.

4. bitchinparty is in a month! I get to SEE and HUG so many of you! I can't wait - not having my regular fannish outlet of VVC last year, and not getting a chance to hang with the local fangroup much this year, has made my "need to be surrounded by fans now, plz" buzz at an alarming level. *makes graspy hands*

5. Speaking of things missed: I missed fan-eunice's birthday yesterday. /o\ Eunice: I adore you, my dear, and I am wishing so hard for a spectacular year for you. Words fail to express how hard I'm pulling for that. *many many hugs* In honor of your birthday, I will try to watch the next episodes of China Beach and post about that? Hee.

6. Other things missed: vidding. I tried to download and run a trial copy of Sony Vegas on this machine, but this machine is really not built to handle anything more stringent than MS Word and so that was mostly an exercise in heartache. (Also, I don't have a way to rip source on this machine either; who sells a laptop w/o a DVD player anymore, anyway?) (Also also: wow did I find Sony Vegas confusing as hell. I admire those of you who have mastered that program; I couldn't get anywhere with it just from a functionality level.)

7. And finally:

They have called this day the Eleventh of March! And whomsoever of you gets through this day, unless you are shot in the head or somehow slain, you will stand at tiptoe when e'er you hear the name again, and you will get excited at the name March the Eleventh!

We happy few, we few, we band of brothers. Our names will be as like household names. And those who are not here, be they sleeping or doing something else, they will feel themselves... sort of crappy. Because they are not here to... to join the fight, on this day, the Eleventh of March!

Oh, show. ♥

...I have no idea how to icon this post. Let's use one I never use. Heh.

fandom march madness, vividcon! yay!, pacificon, due south, vid talk, books: those things with pages

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