Fanvid love meme!

Dec 02, 2009 07:46

Fanvid Love Meme!

Totally, shamelessly stolen from toast_ofthetown. Vidders can ALWAYS use some extra love. Especially those of us currently wrestling with festivids. Heh.

Instructions/Rules- Comment with your username and the fandoms you vid for (or a selection you've vidded the most for, if you're all over the place ( Read more... )


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kuwdora December 2 2009, 16:36:34 UTC
Re: etothey giandujakiss December 2 2009, 17:11:58 UTC
The way you mix images together in Toto Dies is kind of amazing. That vid has such energy and such a kinetic feel, and I love the song choice.


Re: etothey anoel December 3 2009, 01:36:47 UTC
My favorite of yours is Have You Heard, I LOVE that vid! It breaks my heart so much that sometimes it makes me cry and I love you used the images in Two Words. I also love your Buffy/Angel vids and I know it's your first vid but I have a soft spot for Between.

You should continue watching The Wire and vid that. Or for that matter, Mad Men :)


Re: etothey chamalla December 3 2009, 14:28:11 UTC
I've never seen any of your vids but I would like to :) Could you please add a link.


Re: etothey thuviaptarth December 14 2009, 14:46:55 UTC
"Columbia's Bleeding" and "Primitive" are the most intellectually engaging of your vids, but my heart belongs to "Have You Heard" and "Vindicated" because they make me want to cry.


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