Fanvid love meme!

Dec 02, 2009 07:46

Fanvid Love Meme!

Totally, shamelessly stolen from toast_ofthetown. Vidders can ALWAYS use some extra love. Especially those of us currently wrestling with festivids. Heh.

Instructions/Rules- Comment with your username and the fandoms you vid for (or a selection you've vidded the most for, if you're all over the place ( Read more... )


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I've never done a love meme before giandujakiss December 2 2009, 16:21:02 UTC
But I could use the pick-me-up now :-).

Fandoms: Supernatural, Merlin, Starsky & Hutch, Buffyverse, and assorted others, viewable at my vids tag.


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Re: I've never done a love meme before emmiere December 3 2009, 04:40:15 UTC
Some of your vids have been responsible for me deciding to watch shows (Merlin). Or firmly hooked me into a reading of a show or storyline I was unfamiliar with (Origin Stories, It Depends On What You Pay). They are all amazing.


Re: I've never done a love meme before sdwolfpup December 2 2009, 16:34:10 UTC
Augh, tough choice to pick my favorite between "It Depends On What You Pay" and "Origin Stories." They both affected me really strongly - you are excellent at putting together these cogent, intense arguments. And your Inside vid (which I hope I remembered to comment on!) was a great introduction to a show I've never seen before.


Re: I've never done a love meme before deirdre_c December 2 2009, 16:42:29 UTC
"Hourglass" is one of my favorite vids from anyone in any fandom at any time, ever. I don't even know WHY, it just makes me delirious with glee every time I watch it (which is often).


Re: I've never done a love meme before sabaceanbabe December 2 2009, 17:34:34 UTC
I know there are others I'm not even thinking of, but off the top of my head, I love One War, Mr. Wrong, and It Depends on What You Pay. Wonderful stuff! Creative and skillful. :)


Re: I've never done a love meme before such_heights December 2 2009, 17:41:54 UTC
You were on of the first vidders I got into in a really big way, I started devouring your stuff even when I didn't know the fandom. I love so many of your vids for lots of different reasons - they make me smile, or think, or roll around in 'shippy goodness. I love that you have the range to make things like Origin Stories and It Depends On What You Pay and also joyous things like Stuck To You and Beverly Hills. It's all fabulous.


Re: I've never done a love meme before pharis December 2 2009, 17:58:12 UTC
I love your vids so much. I find them accessible and meaningful -- I usually feel I've learned something from them or been shown a new angle on a story.

The timing in some of them just makes me happy all over -- it's like watching really good dancers or something, where the music is visible. Like, say, towards the beginning of American Music (which I think has a permanent place in my top 10 faves): "I want you to hold me -- *catch*". That little moment is perfect.


Re: I've never done a love meme before gigglemonster December 2 2009, 18:02:41 UTC
I think "A Charming Man" is probably my favorite to date. I can still watch it and find something new that I love about it every time! And I watch it quite a bit ;)


Re: I've never done a love meme before fleshflutter December 2 2009, 18:07:22 UTC
I absolutely adore the layers and depth of meaning in A Charming Man. It's just so damn smart.


Re: I've never done a love meme before meiou_set December 2 2009, 19:05:28 UTC
I am desperately shamelessly in love with Origin Stories (this is without being a huge buffy fan) and Charming Man (without being a huge Castiel fan). Your vids always give me a great perspective on the source, which I so appreciate. I also have a huge soft spot for Stuck to You. *happy sigh*


Re: I've never done a love meme before counteragent December 2 2009, 19:19:48 UTC
You are one of my top favorite 5 vidders. I fangirl you like whoa. I especially enjoy your multi and meta vids. You've been incredibly helpful to me as well, and I'm glad we're friends.


Re: I've never done a love meme before danegen December 2 2009, 19:37:29 UTC
This sounds really weird, but I think I'm prouder of your vids I've betaed than I am of my own. Because they're awesome.

Right now, I'm totally obsessed with Charming Man.


Re: I've never done a love meme before bradcpu December 2 2009, 19:37:44 UTC
I really admire your skill with narrative structure, and your sense of pacing and musicality are both wonderful - all in a consistent way, throughout your catalog.


Re: I've never done a love meme before ancastar December 2 2009, 20:19:04 UTC
I love all the work you do. Every one of your vids I've ever watched have been polished, possessed a strong point of view and a solid spine. You know how to tell a story, which not all vidders do. I know when I watch one of your vids, you're going to take me someplace. And that's such a pleasure.

I don't know that I have a particular vid of yours I would say I love more than any other. But I'm fond of the work you've done in Starsky & Hutch (of all fandoms). You capture the warmth between them beautifully. These vids make me happy.

And you can never have too much happiness. :-)


Re: I've never done a love meme before mresundance December 2 2009, 21:19:42 UTC
I don't even know where to start!

Your SPN vids are always insightful and original, but I was particularly impressed by "Believe". I also very much enjoyed "It Depends on What You Pay". Your song and clip choices are always inspired and overall, your vids are seamless.


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