Fanvid love meme!

Dec 02, 2009 07:46

Fanvid Love Meme!

Totally, shamelessly stolen from toast_ofthetown. Vidders can ALWAYS use some extra love. Especially those of us currently wrestling with festivids. Heh.

Instructions/Rules- Comment with your username and the fandoms you vid for (or a selection you've vidded the most for, if you're all over the place ( Read more... )


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thuviaptarth December 2 2009, 16:04:42 UTC
Fandoms: Supernatural, Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, and Buffy/Angel and Revengers Tragedy if you count vids where I made other people do all the work

My vids


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sol_se December 3 2009, 03:12:11 UTC
I really love your clarity of concept: you say complex things in dense, beautiful ways.

This exactly, yes!


sabaceanbabe December 2 2009, 17:31:44 UTC
Riot Act is so incredible! The way you build the tension and then there's that quiet bridge where Riley can just be Riley for a bit and then WHAM with the ending. *guh*


meiou_set December 2 2009, 19:19:37 UTC
I absolutely adore your SCC vid on Riley. She's such an underexplored character and the vid brought home to me the tragedy of her situation and how caged in she in it.


counteragent December 2 2009, 19:22:46 UTC
I can't beleive you learned After Effects for your first vid!!! Awesome.


anoel December 3 2009, 01:31:34 UTC
My favorite vid is Riot Act, I absolutely love seeing such a great character study of Riley. I especially love all the symbolism and imagery you use, Low Red Moon was so pretty there. I love the insights you provide into the shows!


kiki_miserychic December 3 2009, 01:34:37 UTC
Riot Act is one of the many vids in my list to feedback. Shortly, I think it picks up so well on the details and beaty of Riley's story.


meltingconfetti December 4 2009, 01:40:13 UTC
You are a visionary! Your editing blows my mind. I love your style, your attention to detail, your song selections. "Low Red Moon" is my favorite Ruby vid, bar none.


cherryice December 4 2009, 04:08:35 UTC
You have an amazing depth of concepts, and not only that, you have a fantastic ability to communicate them to the viewer.

Riot Act is the Riley vid I've been dying to see. It's the vid I wanted to make, only it's 1000032 times more awesome. Thank you!


aycheb December 4 2009, 18:28:07 UTC
Riot Act is painful to watch for Riley's sake, all the Riley's. Low Red Moon introduced me to Ruby and I love the constant sense of tension with its source.


danegen December 13 2009, 19:25:10 UTC
Low Red Moon and Riot Act are amazingly powerful, both in what they say and how they say it. And I adore the way you carry motion from scene to scene in Riot Act.


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