I took that virus DOOOOOOWN. HELLS YES, BABY. *flexes* It ended up being a combination of many kinds and quantities of virus scans to finally pinpoint all of the problem files, multiple doses of Malwarebytes with Windows in both regular and safe modes, jimmying with the system restore settings, following all the steps
listed here (highly recommended reading, btw), messing around (dangerously!) with regedit, a dash of prayer, and a whole heaping spoonful of luck.
This laptop is clean. /Poltergeist-lady voice
At least, it is for now. And I've successfully updated everything that needs updating at this point, deleted a bunch of stuff that was causing me more harm than good, and have learned a TON about all sorts of things, so given that I had a backup that I could go to, it actually was a really good learning experience. That being said: let's not do that again any time soon computer, m'kay? *still sweating and shaking*
Now I am listening to the seven potential (Non-attending) Premieres vid vidsongs I'm trying to decide between to see which one is calling me most strongly. It's really tough!
1. Buffy - Joyce vid, short, slow, and ultimately kind of sad. Has been on my To Vid list for probably five years now and I keep putting it off. However, I've put it off so long, I have no good recall of the show anymore and it would require a lot of pre-vid prep.
2. BSG - Roslin vid. Also short, another idea I've had for a couple of years, but ultimately requires me to be in love with BSG and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet.
3. BSG - Crack vid. Even shorter than the others, funny (at least to ME), and would be really quick to make. But might be way too bitter. Heh.
4. 10th Kingdom - Long, possibly a small fandom, but the vid idea is kind of recruiter-y. I know the source really well and it's limited to 8 hours. Not sure if it's interesting enough to hold a captive audience.
5. HCL - John Oxenberger vid. I feel like that is both the pro and con of this vid! Will possibly need some outside source; not sure I have enough actual footage for the whole song, even with outside source. Also, I'd like to have a more female-focused vid this year.
6. Arrested Development - My Tobias vid. I've done all the source review/notes already, have the song cut, and a vague outline of what I want to do. But I've kind of lost the spark to work on it. My most prepared, least interested in idea. I'll probably take this one out of the running for now.
7. Grease - omgwtf vid. I...I am not sure anyone will get anything out of this idea besides me, but I LOVE IT. Short, rocking song, very limited source. But I could be crazy.
Hm. This helped a little bit (that whole "write it down and see which one you want people to suggest you do" thing). But I'll still have to listen to them a couple of times and see. How are other people's premieres (and Club Vivid!) vids going?
I hope y'all are having a nice Easter. I think our turkey is ready for NOMing!