Accomplishments, present and future

Jan 07, 2009 11:33

I FINALLY updated my website with all of the fic I've written since mid-2007. Woot! This feels like quite an accomplishment, even though it does not really affect my life in any direct way. Heh. I am also starting to upload my Due South fics to The Due South Fiction Archive per zabira's request of all dS authors. Labeling is HARD, you guys. It took me conferring with brynnmck and then agonizing for another hour to determine whether to list "The Shortest Distance" as gen or slash. *facepalm*

On a related note, I did this last year as a way to have outside accountability to get this stuff done, and also so I knew that I couldn't sign up for anything else until I finished these things. I got most of the stuff done, so it at least works a little! I did this in chronological order last time, so I'm trying that again here, as well.

1. More Joy Day...thing. Whatever it is I decide to do (January)
2. Host Great Vidding Truth Meme #3 if people are interested (end of Jan/early Feb)
3. Finish Thady's ds-recsredux vidlet (February)
4. Make vid for Club Vivid. (March/April)
5. Finish greensilver's Sweet Charity vid (March/April)
6. Finish a Premieres vid for Vividcon this year *fingers crossed* (May/June) Not doing that this year.
7. VVC 2008 Premieres review (June, post-vid)
8. Run one of two post-Vividcon deadline easy vid challenges (either the "Finish My Vid" challenge or the "Any Song Can Be Vidded" challenge) Not doing this, either!
9. Finally make those handmade items for the three people who signed up for it two Julys ago. (Hahahahaha...sigh. I suck so hard sometimes.)

There are two challenges I really wanted to run this year that I think it's best that I don't commit to, so I'm wondering if anyone wants to pick either of these up? *big doe eyes*

- A Multifandom Bodyswap Fic Challenge sometime between Feb and April. (Is there some sort of multifandom bodyswap fic challenge I've missed, maybe? I can't imagine this hasn't happened before!)

- The Vid DVD Commentary Challenge, based on the Fic version (would have to be after VVD deadlines; possibly after VVC to account for all the new vids people may want to talk about; sometime around Sept/early Oct?) Woooooo, deathisyourart!

to do, fic talk, vid talk

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