I've been in and out of the loop for a week or so now. I've been posting a lot but my mood has been incredibly capricious, and mostly trending downwards, and I'm really busy doing various stuff. I seem to have re-stabilized, thankfully, and now must ask y'all a question that I can't, for the life of me, figure out.
What the heck is Twitter?
Your daily AI links: I know, I know, blah blah blah Simon loves Melinda (his girl Melinder! Hee), but he also works like a friggin dog,
as evidenced by this interview.
this article made my Simon + Melinder BFF heart happy.
I have watched about half of last night's finale so far and will catch the rest at lunch today. It was making me sad not being able to see Melinda up there and also I thought both of them were doing fairly badly. That could have been the messed up sound, though.
Jordin's rendition of "Fighter" may have been vocally good but had no emotion or performance behind it and left me really cold. Blake's voice sounded more off than normal on YGLABN and She Will Be Loved. Randy Jackson is clearly high; look at that jacket. Paula is, well, Paula. Simon needs shirts with one or two more buttons.