TV! And, um, more tv!

May 02, 2006 15:49

Help me, flist! I've gotten stuck on what to watch next and there is too much good tv to choose from.

Poll Choose what SDW watches next

And that doesn't even touch Veronica Mars, House, Invisible Man, Wiseguy, Babylon 5...I have enough tv to last me for years at the rate I watch with AHH.

In related tv news, I watched the next episode of Due South.

Eclipse - I enjoyed this episode more than the last one, because it gave us a better look into Kowalski. I'm compelled to say here, by the way, that he reminds me of a hyperactive puppy. In fact, cuteoverload has the perfect picture for how I see Kowalski right now. Hee. I felt so bad for him in his flashback with the robbery; it's interesting how he sees that shaping so much of his life. But it makes sense - it's what made him become a cop, what he thought got him together with Stella (though Fraser is right, it's not just about one incident), what spurs him to be a hero (three citations - aw, you go, Kowalski!). What was that he put in his drink at the beginning anyway? They looked like M&Ms! And I love the little things we learn about him here, like his practicing dancing and how he didn't want to be a cop (I wonder if he wanted to be a dancer). I was also amused by his quick-thinking at the end (the smiley face thing made me snicker). And the little head movement towards the second internal affairs guy made me laugh out loud. And he wears glasses! I like RayK a lot, he's adorable.

And Fraser made a dreamcatcher for RayV for his birthday! That's sweet; even if he wasn't there to receive it. I like how it's what led RayK to his acceptance of his past, too; that was a nice way to tie the whole episode (and the three men) together and it had a nice, symmetric sort of feel. The use of lighting in the crypt and during the eclipse was really pretty, I liked it a lot.

I really enjoyed Fraser in this episode, too, which seems odd to point out when it's a Kowalski ep, but there was just something really charming about him in the supporting role in this episode. Plus, at the end with, "Dief, give me a paw." HEE. I also loved the secondary characters, like the older woman and the two cigar crooks (and Kowalski's scene with them when he says how his mom became cigars or something was hilarious). The cigar crooks especially amused me, I could've seen more of them (and Fraser waved to them when they were in the cop car at the end!). I'm also really happy with how much Welsh and Elaine we've gotten so far, and Huey, too! Like Elaine or Huey are going to give up *Welsh*. PLEASE. Silly Internal Affairs guys. So, yeah, good ep.

Does anyone happen to know where I could get the video of Paul Gross and David Marciano when they were interviewed (years ago) on CBS This Morning?

I have been collecting memes, too, but I think I will save them all for tomorrow. Hee. Plus I have a piano post and some other stuff. I've been wordy lately.

due south, poll the other one

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