Joss talks slash! Er, sort of.

Jan 20, 2006 10:39

So I'm reading this entry over at Whedonesque while I (finally) get around to eating breakfast, and lo and behold, Joss weighs in.

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joss post

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kazbaby January 20 2006, 19:15:01 UTC
How did I miss the canon bit with Spike/Angel? I just went through all the episodes with Spike... except for all of the Illyria epis. Or did they say it in Buffy? Although, I will admit I did a little fangirl squeal when they held hands in Hole in the World. *vbg*

And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe


And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe fahrbotdrusilla January 20 2006, 20:12:54 UTC
Because the writer doesn't watch (nor like) Farscape, he's on my flist.

But seriously, I agree they (or one at least) should be on it.

Kaz, how DID you miss the canonness of S/A? hee!


Re: And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:26:09 UTC
simbiani82 just pointed out that its in one of the Illyria episodes I haven't seen yet.

You wouldn't happen to know where I could download those epis would you?


Re: And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:26:46 UTC
*kicks lj's butt for logging me back out after i just logged in*


Re: And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe fahrbotdrusilla January 20 2006, 20:28:09 UTC
no, I own the season have no clue where to download Angel from. I could send you that CLIP though, interested?


Re: And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:29:55 UTC
sure, and thanks!


Re: And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe fahrbotdrusilla January 20 2006, 20:50:40 UTC
I need your email address.


Re: And how did Scorpius/Braca or Scorpius/John not make that list?! hehe kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:51:45 UTC
kazbaby13 at yahoo dot com.


, I will admit I did a little fangirl squeal when they held hands in Hole in the World. *vbg* fahrbotdrusilla January 20 2006, 20:13:37 UTC
yeah? hahah


simbiani82 January 20 2006, 20:15:55 UTC
It's in an epi with Illyria that Spike says something (in a convo with her) that alludes to it. Can't rember which exactly, but was pretty funny :D

... )


kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:20:33 UTC
I've been trying like crazy to see all of those episodes on TNT, but they freaking went back to the very first episode after showing Underneath.

Really ticked me off.

Thanks for letting me know where that bit is. *g*


fahrbotdrusilla January 20 2006, 20:23:23 UTC
that's so weird.


simbiani82 January 20 2006, 20:37:12 UTC
Sure! LoL yea, TNT has crazy syndication scheduling. Btw, found the epi :D It's 5x21:Power Play. ^_^


kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:52:11 UTC
cool! Thank you for the link.


sdwolfpup January 20 2006, 20:23:07 UTC
The conversation between Spike and Illyria is in "Power Play," which you probably missed due to the weird airing schedule.

I have no idea how Scorp/Braca didn't make the list. That's just wrong!


kazbaby January 20 2006, 20:31:58 UTC

We should protest since they obviously belong. *snerk*


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