Happy Friday!

Jan 06, 2006 12:43

I was feeling much better today *before* the CISSP news, so now I'm in a disgustingly cheerful mood. And thank you all for being your lovely selves. I should just stay in my corner of LJ and not venture to other places on the 'net. Some day I will learn that lesson.

AHH and I watched the Inside BSG special on SciFi and I just wanted to say that I actually liked the yellow shirt. And that I'm also looking forward to the second part of the season now. Let me love you, BSG.

bailunrui, this might especially be of interest to you: teenes is looking for people interested in sending messages, photos, or creative stuff to Kurt Browning.

AHH and I watched more Wonderfalls last night, too. A few quick thoughts.
Karma Chameleon - Watching this episode for the second time, it didn't stand up quite as well because there are so many twists that it felt awkward to me. I like the theme of the episode, and I like how it ends, but I think about ten minutes could have been cut out and it would have been the same. Still, it fits in much better in the order it was intended to air, rather than the order Fox apparently decided to air it. Not that Fox would EVER air episodes out of order, no sir. *COUGH*

Wound-Up Penguin - I remembered this episode right away because it was the episode about the cheese, and had the moment at the end where the Father meets his daughter where I fell totally in love with the show. It didn't affect me quite as strongly this time (that was saved for "Crime Dog"), but I still enjoyed the episode. And, um, that appears to be all I've got.

Crime Dog - This was the first of the episodes new to me, and it's so far my favorite. As I hoped, the show just is getting better and better with each episode. Jaye's dad telling her that protecting family is the first principle just made my heart swell with love. I liked the way they told this story, pulling it back and forth (my favorite moment was: "Three minutes before arrest" - hee), and I was suitably taken off-guard by Yvette actually being Cindy. The border guards made me laugh ruefully in remembrance of my trip to Vancouver with brynn. I half-expected to be met with a police barrier myself. I am eager to see the rest of the episodes, and if it weren't for that darned AHH, I would sit down and watch them all tonight. Phooey on him!

I found out today that Dreamhost quadrupled my disk space and octupled my bandwidth. Octupled! Sweet. I love Dreamhost.

Gmail provided me this link today: 639-Year Concert Lets Loose 2nd Chord. Strange. But interesting.

I went back and re-cut most of my IJVP songs last night because I was listening to them again and a lot of the cuts sounded ugly. There's one or two I just can't seem to make work, but the one-minute (roughly, quite a few songs go over that) limitation are making it hard to pull in all the sounds I'd need to make the cuts work. Overall, though, I'm much happier. I have source for my first three songs ripped, and I'm going to try to get all the rest of the source done this weekend so that I can just vid straight through, since I anticipate work being really busy the next few weeks and I won't have time to rip *and* vid in the evenings. But I may get impatient and start vidding tomorrow anyway. We'll see.

wonderfalls, linky mclinkerston

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