Vid Feedback 101

Jun 16, 2005 10:24

I was going to title this "Vid Feedback for Newbies," but that seemed kind of annoying. Then I thought about sub-titling it "What Vidders Really Want," and that didn't seem right either. So what, exactly, is this about? I'm glad you asked ( Read more... )

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Comments 79

jebbypal June 16 2005, 17:40:01 UTC
I'm just as confused on the tags..I have an s2...I "tagged" my two most recent fic entries..and I dont' see anything different. I think supposedly there is supposed to be a search function for the tags or something but I haven't ran across it or a tagged entry thing similar to the memories. So no clue.


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 18:02:19 UTC
The only difference I see is that there is not a little "Tag" index on the bottom of entries that were tagged. But I guess I'm missing the usefulness of that when there are memories.


jebbypal June 16 2005, 18:11:50 UTC
Hmm..well i have s2 and i'm not seeing a tag index. Only place I see w/ ref to tabs is on the edit pages.

I'm confused and the faq is no help.


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 19:06:15 UTC
You don't see it at the bottom of your post? That's where it should be. I've seen it on a couple of people on my flist's posts. I probably won't end up using it.


morgandawn June 16 2005, 17:51:53 UTC
another thought to add - we go to see movies? we talk about/deconstruct movies - but not all of us have film degrees.


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 18:02:42 UTC
Ooh, that is an excellent point! I'll edit that in.


kazbaby June 16 2005, 17:52:11 UTC
Great post, I had to point it out to thehallway since she always seems to think that she can't give proper feedback on a video.

I've always been terrified of getting feedback from other vidders because they seem to put in more technical speak into them. All I ever want to just know how the video made a person feel.


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 18:05:24 UTC
Hee, yeah, sometimes I'd get feedback where vidders would say something about a vid and I'd be intimidated because the language was so technical and I had no idea what was going on. I'd be like: "I did that?" On the other hand, it was a great way to pick up that language and make me a bit more purposeful in my vidding.


kazbaby June 16 2005, 18:16:50 UTC
Well, most of the technical ones were telling me what I did wrong in the beginning and pretty much make me feel like crap. Which is something I didn't want to feel for something I'm only doing my best at with what time, resources and ability I have. I hate the words aspect ratio.

Yes, I do like constructive criticism to help me improve, but the way it was delivered...not so much. For some silly reason, I'm more overly sensitive about vidding than I am with fanfic. My only guess is that it's the music. eh :P


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 19:08:22 UTC
I do like constructive criticism to help me improve, but the way it was delivered...not so much

Delivery of constructive criticism is key. When I finish a vid, I tend to be either really sensitive when I send it to my beta or I absolutely hate it. There's very little in-between. Sometimes if I'm too sensitive I'll sit on it for a day or two before sending it to her so that I can appropriately process her feedback. :D


z_rayne June 16 2005, 18:03:24 UTC
Fabulous post on vidding; I'm so glad someone took the time to do this.

I also am trying to figure out the purpose of the new tag feature. I personally prefer putting posts in my memories; memories seem more user-friendly, too. Can someone enlighten me as to why I'd use tags?

When you click on the tag and get all the entries with that tag? You get all the entries, not just whatever subject you entered in order to try to remember what the entry was about. And they show up chronologically, so you can follow a thread of thoughts (say, about vidding *g*) through someone's LJ.

For example, say someone on your flist posts about each new episode of "Show X" when it airs. If they tag all those entries as "Show X eps" then you can go through and just read those entries, in chronological order. It's like indexing, and you can do it for every post, which is something that I've always found too cumbersome to do with "memories."


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 18:11:14 UTC
You get all the entries, not just whatever subject you entered in order to try to remember what the entry was about. And they show up chronologically

Ah-hah. That's the key. Of course, this requires the effort to tag. Heh. They do have the nifty new little button right next to every post so it's actually pretty easy to do. I do appreciate that.

And thanks!


gwyn_r June 16 2005, 18:14:59 UTC
This is great! I will add a link to it from my post, too, just in case someone sees that first. I think it's very encouraging, which is what we want to do -- I know sometimes people felt browbeaten at Escapade about the comment sheets, and I think people tend to overstress about the "should" aspect of feedback to the point where they won't say anything... I should do it sooner, I should say more, I should be a vidder/writer... blah blah.

(one small thing, and I don't know if it's a computer vs. filmmaking term -- I've discovered a lot of things, like dissolves, have different terms in computer videomaking than they do in the film world, but intercutting is crosscutting in film terms. That may be totally irrelevant, but I just though I'd point it out!)Anyways, I think this is a great job -- one of the coole things about VVC is that it's given people who are fans of vids a chance to play in the game in a larger sense, and I think that's really valuable and something I wish we could carry out into the larger world of fannish vidmaking ( ... )


sdwolfpup June 16 2005, 19:12:02 UTC
I think it's very encouraging, which is what we want to do

Oh good, that's what I was most hoping for. Basically I want people to feel that they shouldn't NOT comment on a vid because they're not smart enough/vidders/in fandom/whatever.

I hear you on the terminology differences; I'm honestly intimidated to give feedback sometimes, so I'm trying to also assure myself that you don't have to speak the language to give feedback a vidder will appreciate.


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