Jun 09, 2005 17:35
so today has been hard. yes it's like the 4th journal thats n a row. back to back to back t back. yea im kinda stunned too. but anyways.. woke up 6:30 like i always do for football. it was ok. today was a leg day. im stoked im up to getting about 2 sets with 10 reps. of 225 lbs. then i went up to one set of 5 of 245 lbs. squating. so 4 sets which wasnt to bad. so yea. no practice 2morrow. it rained so team offense got cancelled. went home took a shower. layed around a lil bit n ate. then left for my community service. worked from 12-5. moved tile around all day. i never n my life am gonna b a tiler. it sux. i hate tile now! but anyways.... im working tomorrow from 8-5. 9 hours of moving stuff to the warehouse. it's not so bad. i got like the best people to work with. but yea. im really sore. just started taking some weigt gainer again. n now i mite go on some new stuff called nox3. so it should b cool. hopefully it works like it's suppose too. baseball game got rained out again for like the 6th time. we havent had a game yet. im sorta glad cuz im really sore n whipped from community service. later on im going to publix to pick up lunch 2morrow. yea 5 lunchables. no idea aobut dinner or anything else. julie called last nite n we talked for a lil bit. but yea. she was complaining cuz i was like laying n bed at like 10:00. but i was beat. idk she's suppose to help me out with something. which is gonna b completely sweet! she's awesome! rob's having a party saturday. dont know who im taking yet. anyone wanna go? i dont care. hopefully ill find something to do 2nite. if not ill prolly go to bed early since i gotta wake up at like 6:30 again. now i know y i dont update. it's cuz i write like novel. but anyways.. im bored call the cell or wat not. i'm out.... that's all i gotta say. im sick of all this b.s. that goes on n my life.im over it. i dont care anymore n im making a commitment to myself now. but now i need to talk with my lil special friend about it. but anyways...... im just rambling on. wasting my breathe like i did saturday nite. i love liars. they rock! actually not really. they just plain suck. but anyways..... the life quote for the rite now on wat's going on is. "I'M OUT", I'M OUT LIKE A BONER IN GYM SHORTS......!" so there u go. l8er