(no subject)

Aug 16, 2007 03:07

here are some things I found in some old posts, good memories, bad memories, all in chronological order from freshman year to now. this is really long, i actually went through every post I've ever had on livejournal, and I guess I just picked out my favorite parts. some of it is funny, some of it makes me want to cry, and some of it just pisses me off, but all in all, this was a chunk of my highschool and senior summer. so, here it all is:

"11 favorite memories
1. Being about fifty people's best man at the spring fling thing
2. "almost getting kicked out of health" heh michele, mine is probably getting kicked out of health
4. getting my hands all over bonnie's horn... and up inside too...
6. Skidding up to a curb, we kick ass Kyle!!!
7. Pretty much all jazz band mornings involving a plunger...
10. Meeting derick, stasty, and the cheerleaders all at once...
11. pretty much all of marching band, WOO!"

"he pulled that sugar packet right out of my cleavage!!"


"I'm failing photography...
But you know what? Did Einstein take photography? Did Bill Gates take photography? Did Arturo Sandoval take phototgraphy?

"All this cloreine poisoning my eyes gives me the most amazing eye sights in the world... Everything looks as if I am behind a layer of fog... I wish you guys could see this... I mean, every single light is like... if you took a sparkler, suspended it's motion, and took all the sparks away, and there was just that blurry light with a deep core... It's amazing..."

"oh my goodness mason!! thank you sooo much for one of the best birthdays i've ever had in all of my 15 years. you guys rock!! ♥

ps_skirt pictures=ooh la la. "

"Me (in little kid voice while laying on lauren's lap next to kyle) "mommy, tell me a story..."
Kyle (in parent voice) "once upon a time...
there was a little princess named Mason...""
-obviously Kyle and I

I just saw the trim spa commercial, and Anna Nicole Smith is damn hott! Is she still as dumb as a box of hair, or did they fix that too?

Some kind of informative short sentence from:

no, she is still as dumb as a box of hair. no, make that two boxes of hair.

Wouldn't two boxes of hair somehow be "better" than one?
I mean, if one box of hair has the brains to walk down a runway and pose naked, you'd figure the other one could too...
So if i combine two boxes of hair...
Or maybe...
Nah forget it, lol, i'll stop


but it's just more hair. like, if you have one stupid person trying to get something done, you might actually get it done, but if you have TWO stupid people trying to get it done, all hope is lost.

No cuz what if the stupid people are just stupid in different areas.
The first stupid person could be know how to translate english to spanish, but be totally stupid, and he'd need the second english bomb diffuser to save the mexican strapped to the bomb. The bomb diffuser could only have half a brain for all we know, it's just the skills.
-Lauren and I arguing

"Girls are great... One of their smiles can make you happy at anytime... Even when you're only thinking about it, it still makes you feel fuzzy... *sigh* Hold me (in little child voice) lol."

"If there was a button to click to stab someone in the face over the internet, right now, I would be clicking that button for you."

"Hey look, we have more room!
Let's get closer..."

"Gloomy Poem Season
Sprawled on my couch, I am cold,
Warmth is what I seek to hold,
Hurry chocolate and get hot,
It's getting cold,
I'm freezing cold.

Cold and illness through my vein,
My health declines while in the rain,
At least it's not the burning sun,
Which can bring pain,
I like the rain.

It's cold betrayal within reason,
But I apply no act of treason,
I just adore the sun's warm touch,
That's my reason,
It's that season.

I guess the cold isn't so bad,
I just miss the season I had,
Not too hot, never too cold,
I'm not too sad,
It's not too bad.

The rain is just another reason,
To begin gloomy poem season.


"I wrote "steven is a bitchface" on his hw"

"for now, think about how cool isaac newton was and how lost we'd all be without him. man, what an awesome guy. "

"Joel is a really neat kid too, I mean, I was holding Michele in my arms and I looked to see Joel holding Nellie across the way. He looked at me and we both just kind of nodded in appreciation of our beautiful other halves."

"suspensedude: so then, on my way to my fridge, the security system went nuts, and all these automated laser turrets came on and tried to shoot the hell out of me
suspensedude: luckily i used my super speed and brilliant mind to dodge the lasers and dive under reflective objects, ultimately leading to their self-caused dooms
suspensedude: so then, i had to turn off the annoying alarm, reinstall a bunch of laser turrets, because you never know who's gonna break in, and open the fridge"

"I've got bigger fish to fry.


Get this:
This morning, I woke up to my mom and sister screaming and criticizing some random person or idea as usual, but this time, I decided to retaliate. Apparently, a simple "STOP SCREAMING" does not work in my house, but instead forces "WE'RE NOT SCREAMING" and "THIS IS MY HOUSE, IT'S NOON, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO SCREAM" replies.
Bad call mom and hads, bad call.
So me, being the asshole I am :) came storming out of my room screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH" for until I type "spunkjockey," with only short intervals of breath, as I slammed doors and got a towel for a shower. So finally, I get into my shower, turn it on, spunkjockey, and start singing "I WANNA BE AN AIRBORN RANGER, I WANNA LIVE A LIFE OF DANGER" as loud as humanly possible, with intervals of "I KNOW TWO PEOPLE WHO REALLY SUCK! AND THEIR NAMES START WITH H AND E!!!" and "I KNOW TWO PEOPLE WHO NEVER LET ME GET ANY SLEEP, EVER, AND THEY ARE RELATED TO ME, AND THEIR NAMES END WITH ADLEY AND VE!!!" for the remainder of the shower. It was a rather long shower too. So I finish going through pretty much every key of it I know, dry off, and hop into my boxers.
That's when I found the flutophone.
So running and skipping around my house in nothing but boxers (sexy eh?) I made the squeakiest squakiest noises possible, for about fifteen minutes. So I went and grabbed my good old shirt and shorts, while saying "HMM, IF I DON'T HAVE ANY SHIRTS OR SHORTS IN THE DRYER, I THINK I'LL SCREAM!!!" lucky for them I did have a shirt and shorts in the dryer, but anyway, so I got dressed and went out for another attempt at being more annoying than Michael Karamas when he tries to sing a song to you, and ended up in front of my couch.
So yes, being in front of my couch, I made the declaration, "HMM, I THINK I'LL VOICE EVERY SINGLE ACTION I DO..." took a step and then said "IN THIRD PERSON!!!!"
So I got some milk and things, you know, screaming my little head off about what I was doing the whole time, not even listening to my mother or sister, when I went over to the TV and said "I FEEL LIKE PLAYING A SHOOTING GAME, ON FULL BLAST!!!!"
Sadly, with my selective hearing I did catch the "if you turn on that tv you aren't going out for the rest of the weekend" from my mother, so instead I decided to sit at my couch and blast sweet music, which is where I am now.



"When life gives you lemons...
Take them, squeeze them until they're busted, and throw the popped, citrisy, eye burning, pulpy messes at life's eyes. We'll f**king see if life gives you any more lemons."

"PS, in other news, my poor cat was neutered today. Poor, poor little s**t. Eh, actually, he had it coming."

"Who wants a donkey punch?"

"I played at the concert and yyyyeeaaahhh... Neither of my parents really showed up to the best concert i've ever played"

"llamas315: dude
llamas315: i just stapled my lip"

"Current music:oh, you know, breakup music"

"my sister graduated

"Ryan and I drew our versions of Jackals on Michelle Miner's folder today"

"He says he'd back me up if that havir kid wanted to kick my ass. That's pretty cool. He says he has gangster friends. That's cool too I guess."

"You ever get that feeling when you know you ROCK and you know you ROLL and you know your life is OUT OF CONTROL!??!?
Yeah, me neither, but it rhymes"

"nitrosmatt: there's a 50% chance that it might buttfuck you
suspensedude: otherwise it's all oral
nitrosmatt: exactlly" 
-matt garren

"Sean's grandma pwns. She was singing the French national anthem and put her arm around my shoulder and started waving her other arm in a fist."

"This one time I had a day like this. It was the first day I rode my bike home from school. I stood up on my bike and really took in all the wind and it felt like I had all the air in the world right in my lungs. I looked down at these gorgeous flowers and that's right about when I got clotheslined by a telephone pole's little yellow wirey thing that comes down into the ground. I flipped off of my bike onto my back and my bike flew out in front of this truck. I kind of just layed there. It was painful. My neck hurt."


And so, the great journey began. They came from the deep sub-terranean caverns, the cold, dark, nutrient rich soil beneath what they called "heaven," from under where the behemoths walked. They were... the ants. The scouts were the bravest. Following no one's path but their own, they would weave their way through great blades of grass, around trecharous lakes of water, toward the secret path they shall soon discover.

Days passed before they found the hole in my kitchen wall. At first, it was hidden by great bushes and vines, but after extensive walks across the base of the wall, they finally unveiled what they could not at first comprehend, a fault in the behemoth's impenetrable barrier. Luckily for them, it led around to the cliff of salvation. Not one scout was spotted by the giants as they entered the cupboards and let their stenches loose, creating an easily followable trail.

Later, they made their way back toward the Queen, to alert the tribe and spread the words of incomprehensible awe. As the tribe gathered its... gatherers, they rushed the food. By hundreds they attacked, unknowing that their demise was just around the corner...

It was swift. A moist towelette swept the first two hundred. As it moved across the army, it crushed anything in its path, and violently used the tribe's very own dead to smoosh the living into a disgusting smeary pulp. It was a horrific sight. Quietly after a spray can was raised with ninja like stealth, ready to rain poisonous chemicals down on its prey. In almost a perfect circle it washed away even the most powerful soldiers. The ants knew not what to do. Instantly, they scattered and made a way back for safety, when they realized that the hole had been deviously sealed away by the enormous beast.

Trapped with little food and no way out, some submitted to their failure and followed the way of the bushido and took an honorable death. The rest tried to scatter to a sufficient hiding place, but few made it. The few that did make it were left to starve and die miserably in their weak state.

Back at the village no one took notice, it happened all the time."

"So this grass hopper jumped on my stomach and I named him Jenkins and I started to do a kissy face at him and he crawled towards my face pretty quickly and it was pretty freaky so then I got him onto my bell and he crawled up it towards the valves and I eventually set him free and said "RUN FREE MY CHILD!!!" Yeah. It was cool."

"YES yes yEs yES Yes yes


the life of mason."

"no johnathan, you're so behind the times, anal sex is the new yellow johnathan, anal sex is the new yellow"


Chase Fischer...

He goes to school and he goes to class,
but when he ain't there he's kickin bad-guy... butt...


Chase Fischer...

He's so cool
With his utility belt
And his X-Ray vision
And his Superstrength
And his needle-nosed pliers
And his Superspeed
And his magnetic-wave-transmitting earrings
And his fire powers
And his sexy body
And his extreme roller blades
And did I say his sexy body?
Cuz the ladies all love his sexy body
Cuz he's so cool
Cuz he's...



Chase Fischer..."

"Yeah, just to spite you. I'm going to call my nonexistent girlfriend 'woman' and have her rap about her hunchback."

"i think this argument is stupider than our music theory argument
i think your use of "stupider" cancels out your opinion."
-being a jerk to jeefrey

"48. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3, I put one between the wall and my bed so my hand doesn't touch the cold wall, I sleep on my back so I put one beneath my head, and with my other arm I hold the last pillow just over my eyes but above my nose"

"YOU WHORE!!! my favorite flavor??? i guess.....vaginal discharge....yummy"

"Derick Katzman asked me what my greatest fear was. I said my greatest fear was not helplessness, but close. It was not being able to help others when they are in need. And by "in need" I mean IN NEED. Like, "Hey, I NEED you to take this bullet for me" kind of NEED. Or "Hey, I love you, I NEED you, but you have work" kind of NEED. So that got Michele and I talking about selfless acts of kindness. Some people say there is no such thing as a selfless act of kindness. I think there is... Then we thought that maybe you just can't define something as selfless because if you define it, then it isn't selfless... DISCUSS!"


I was going to write an lj post, but instead, I think I'll go to sleep. It's rather late anyway. Though, it is pretty stupid of me to write a post about how I was going to write a post and then act like no one is going to read this, when really, I'm wasting the time of all my loyal lj fans, you hundreds you. So, I'll leave you with a midget post.

...(00)..."Yo, what up? I'm Bridget, the angry midget. I'm angry
..../.|.\...because I'm short, and tall people piss me off, because
...../..\....I'm short. I also hate life because I'm a fucking stick
..............figure. As a matter of fact, I'm not even that. You can't
...............even tell what gender I am. I mean, I'm a dude, but Bridget
................is more of a chick name, so it totally threw you off, didn't
.................it? I guess my parents just hate me. Well, I mean, I know my
..................mother hates me, but I don't know my real father. I just know
...................Frank, our mailman. He likes to spend the night like normal mailmen
....................do. Too bad I'm a fucking midget. If I had one wish, I'd totally wish
.....................for super speed. But if I had second wish, or a third, or just one to
......................waste, I'd totally wish for a pair of air-Jordans. Doze kiks am swete
.................................................Bridget the Midget

Gee whiz, you think I took that one a bit too literally?"

"So, as you have all discovered, I am not afraid of anything. I am fearless."

"my real power symbol? pyramid head."

"But yeah, as I was staring into my eye, I actually became so convinced that I was real on the other side that I reached out to touch my own hand."

"Guilt is the true recognition of a wrong doing, and, i think, proof that one has a (figurative) soul"

"Mr. Van Horn,

Not that you read "livejournal" or anything, but just in case you have some link or some source, you should know that I probably look up to you more than anyone else. You're right up there with Ben Franklin and Abe Lincoln. It takes a lot to surpass Chuck Norris, as Jack said to me earlier today. Anyway, since you're moving on and we're all moving on, I want to thank you for teaching me. You taught me more about music and just being a damned good person than anyone else. I know I must have been a real rat freshman year, and you've seen me grow into... well... whatever I am now... But I've got to say I have definitely seen you pick up things too. This is the most selfless act I think I've ever seen someone do for their family, I mean, I'm pretty sure you don't hate Royal, :). Anyway, thanks for being my rolemodel through highschool, and I guess now that you aren't going to be there my senior year (you damned well better visit) the class of 07 is really going to have to pick things up. Marching band... Jazz season... It's all going to be on our shoulders now. Thank you for preparing us, and thank you for giving us the opportunity to "shine."

I guess it's time to learn who I really am, eh? The greatest gift anyone could leave for another person. Thanks Larry.

Comically yours,
                                                                                                                                                                                               Mason Dery Mendoza"

"like when I try to hide from my mom in the fridge but she opens it and is like "what the fuck, how did you fit in our fridge" and I'm like, "wow, you must have rolled a 20 on your search check," and then she slaps me on the head and I'm like "shiiiiit, +1d6 damage for surprise attack, better roll a high initiative to make up for this one," and then she casts lightening bolt on my ass and I go to -5 hp but she hires a cleric to heal me but leave me in a comatose state so she won't have to go about my demands and then I wake up and I go hide in the fridge again out of fear, but this time she fails her search check and I'm like "damn! +4 on my move silently check!" and I walk out the door but she's just like "I HEARD YOU!!! WHAT IS A MOVE SILENTLY CHECK???" and I fail a climb check and fall off of my roof but pass a tumble check and miss my neighbor's cat by a hair, and then I summon a dire badger to do battle with my mother but her AC is fuckin like, 22, and I'm like "shiiiit, a dire badger can't hit that!" and she whips out her morning star but I cast invisibility sphere and say "ha! eat that 50% miss chance beyotch!" and then my dire badger attacks her but I'm like "wtf" because my invisibilty sphere goes down and it's like "shiiiiiit" and then I just cast sanctuary and she does the laundry. Yeah. I love those days."

"But yeah, it was pretty cool when Jack was standing in his living room, leaning back, playing a double G, while Sean was to the right of him also playing a double G, and I was sitting on his couch, kicking my legs, and playing a double G."

"One more song. Literally one more song on the CD. It wasn't even that great a song, but it was still supposed to be so surreal and... easy. Man, what are the odds? Heh."

"I miss her, but honestly, I feel really relaxed, lol. I wish she'd call me at least or something... I don't know about long distance though... Hmm... "

"It's all written out and ready to go, time to perish! Despair and destruction will be wrought when I sing the song to end this world! WAHAHAHAHA!!!

Man, I'm so freakin weird"

"I'll burn. And I'll burn. And I'll burn."

"Bored. Alone. Bored. Alone. Bored. Alone. Vampire. Vampire? VAMPIRE! GREN! JEZRA!


"So yeah, yesterday Stacy, Kyle, Michele, Tanya and I all went to six flags. I had a blast. We kept yelling Myspace taglines wherever we were. It was freaking wonderful... "

"I was AN HERO today."

"I have a few confessions to make.

I like video games, arcades, all kinds of music (including country, classical, and techno), legos, screaming, moving spiders from inside of my house to outside of my house, watching Cartoon Network, playing with fire, playing with knives, playing with swords, pretending, breaking things, juggling, dancing, singing, staying up until the latest hours playing dungeons and dragons, going on myspace, going on livejournal, going on yahoomail, going on 4chan, sitting in my car and listening to music, typing quickly on my sidekick, running barefoot, baseball, eating cookie dough, stretching my arms in the morning, and Stephanie Riley."

"Yeah. So I ate a raw egg last night. Took it like a champ. But now, I'm SO paranoid.

Had a dream last night that I had a tapeworm. I don't even know if you can get tapeworms from raw eggs, but now I'm afraid I might have one. Salmanella is next on my list. Someone jokingly said "yeah, doesn't it eat away your insides and eventually eat away your heart?" to me, and now I'm hypochondriacing it up."



The atmosphere

Everything's clear

You haven't lived until you've been up here"

"I should wear tutus and bitch makeup more often..."

"I've started this religion search"


--... So if it's a dark night and you're fumbling with your keys in your purse and you've seen me stalking behind you and you start to run to your car, you want me to chase you? NEXT"

"21: Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex:
There isn't one feature I can pick out at the moment. Just more along the lines of the way she smiles at me when she's happy. Makes me feel like I just saved the world."

"I am Gothgar,
son of Gothagus.
If you take the step you plan to take,
and you stab me with your tainted metal,
I will come back for you from the heavens.
Not to bring you with me,
but to leave you crippled and suffering after my revenge is complete.
You may only pierce my heart between my ribs,
but I will come back to pierce you one thousand times,
across every inch of your body,
and though I may lose blood now,
you will lose one thousand times more.
So, if you stab me, kill me,
pray it be worth unavoidable torment,
and let it pour.
Let it pour.

"Well, Jack, you're a man now, and there are some things that guys your age can do that guys my age can't. And there are some things... Well... Some things guys just shouldn't do..."

"I am a lucky guy. I am thankful for my luck."

"I made meatboy eternal. I typed him up on the computer. I'm definitely framing the original. I am so proud of my 2nd grade level poetry..."

"If people on reality shows are real people, then I really have no touch with people or reality. It is as if there is a barrier between reality and I, a glass barrier, much like that of a TV screen, that prevents me from being one with existence and all that is real. I'm not saying this is negative, I'm just saying how I feel.

So I finally got a base camp for my operations. I finally have a corner of solitude. I have created an area where I can solely rely on whatever it is that I want to do as entertainment. I have made a nook of independence, freedom, and insomnia. I put my TV and some video games next to my computer. Look out world, absolutely nothing is going to happen.

I promised myself I'd beat Okami and Legend of Mana this weekend before playing Final Fantasy 12, but hey, promises are made to be broken, right? It's also funny because you figure the first Final Fantasy was actually going to be the final fantasy. But no, shitheads like Harry Potter can't keep their noses out of Japan's business!

My sister is home for thanksgiving and she decided to bring her little bitch Chihuahua, Boner, with her. His real name isn't Boner, it's bone-crusher, but I guess I just embrace contractions. Actually, I just do it to mock my sister. She has become one of those prissy purse puppy people. It really pisses me off.

I just discovered that the little welcoming red glowy things on Final Fantasy 12 are actually explosive traps that lower you from 390 hp to 23 hp. Fuuuuuuck.

Thanksgiving was good. I was surprised. Still kind of sad though... He was a good guy.

I'm thirsty, I'm going to go get something to drink."

"ZomfgZombies: Pop ups have really evolved
ZomfgZombies: I mean, these days, with like, pop up blockers
ZomfgZombies: They're getting pretty clever with those ads
ZomfgZombies: I mean, like, maybe too clever
ZomfgZombies: Like, when they had just started, it was like, "shoot the
duck for a free ringtone!"
ZomfgZombies: You know
ZomfgZombies: And you click it once and it sends you straight to the
up thing
ZomfgZombies: But then it got to be two ducks
ZomfgZombies: And it took two clicks
ZomfgZombies: And then it was three clicks but you were racing a little
computer guy
ZomfgZombies: And then like, it got to how many more clicks can you
ZomfgZombies: ?*
ZomfgZombies: But like
ZomfgZombies: I mean, the other day I thought it went too far when I
to dig to the center of a rock to find a diamond and I was racing a
computer and it took me a good 20-25 clicks
ZomfgZombies: But man
ZomfgZombies: I just got one that was like
ZomfgZombies: "Shave his back"
ZomfgZombies: And not only did I have to click a button to cut this
dude's nappy-ass back hair
ZomfgZombies: But I had to race some other guy who basically looked
like me but had brown hair instead of blond
ZomfgZombies: And whoever lost got punched in the face
ZomfgZombies: So now, not only do they make this fat ass prison
punch me in the face if I don't shave his back fast enough
ZomfgZombies: But they put me against like, my evil twin
ZomfgZombies: Who no matter what will never be as good as I am because
he's evil, so his existence relies on affecting mine negatively
ZomfgZombies: But I guess it does make for an epic battle
ZomfgZombies: As I break out my size 1 trimmers
ZomfgZombies: Yeah
ZomfgZombies: We're goin for a close shave...
ZomfgZombies: Maybe I'll just skip to like, the mach 3 turbo...
ZomfgZombies: And so I break it out, with my bick shaving cream, and I
turn right to see my evil twin gazing back at me with those red eyes
ZomfgZombies: And I'll admit
ZomfgZombies: For a second
ZomfgZombies: For just one single second
ZomfgZombies: A glint of fear bores into my brain
ZomfgZombies: But no
ZomfgZombies: I will prevail
ZomfgZombies: For I have blue eyes
ZomfgZombies: And love conquers all
ZomfgZombies: Plus, he's got a gilette fusion
ZomfgZombies: And though it has like, enough blades to shave a
it has that distracting blade on the back that you just always want to
ZomfgZombies: That is apparently for "precision shaving"
ZomfgZombies: But it's just a little bitch blade which in no way shape
or form could possibly cut this guys skanky backhair
ZomfgZombies: So I go reverse psychology on his ass
ZomfgZombies: And I say "dammit! You've got that precision! There's no
way I'll ever win!"
ZomfgZombies: And he maliciously laughs because he thinks he's got me
---------------------- 10:46 pm ----------------------
ZomfgZombies: He thinks that finally, his time has come, he will win,
and he will make momma proud
ZomfgZombies: But no... He is wrong... For my mach 3 turbo is BATTERY
ZomfgZombies: IT VIBRATES!
ZomfgZombies: While he's busy washing all the knotty hair out of his
razor and ripping it out of that poor guy's back, I'm sailing across
bulky shoulder like the pacific!!!
ZomfgZombies: And then, when I'm all done, instantly the prison man
psychicly knows, and he turns around and punches my
twin square in the jaw
ZomfgZombies: And if you think that's gratifying, you haven't heard the
final prize
ZomfgZombies: Aww yeah
ZomfgZombies: Cell phone ring tone...
ZomfgZombies: FREE cell phone ring tone
ZomfgZombies: That's right bitches
ZomfgZombies: It's gettin all kinds of nasty when I'm kickin it to
"beautiful" by christina aguilara while my phone rings from my pocket
ZomfgZombies: Shout out to all them nasty bitches dawg!!!
ZomfgZombies: And while I'm ridin' dirty, my evil twin will be getting
the shit fucked out of him by that fat prison man
ZomfgZombies: Talk about glory
ZomfgZombies: Thanks pop up, thanks for making me a champion.
ZomfgZombies: ...
ZomfgZombies: ...
ZomfgZombies: Wow"

"1. Who Made You Smile today? Mrs. Lev"

"Gaucho is a pretty cool cat. I think he has Stockholm Syndrome or whatever though. Poor bastard."

"I got a letter in the mail. It went sort of like this:

"Welcome to California State University, Northridge!

Dear Mason,

Congratulations! On bahalf of California State University, Northridge, I am pleased to offer you admission to the University for the Fall 2007 Semester."

And then they said some other stuff. Other random information.

But, aww, they called me "dear"..."

"The Birds and The Bees of a Product Called Cheese."

"Arturo Sandoval."

"Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana."

"alright... 80 points extra credit... plus a 2 page (which turned into 4-5 page) report... plus 70 questions of make up work... with an early study guide... and an early 90 questions... and to top it all off, my computer proficiency portfolio is done... and I'm not getting dropped and failed!"


Good morning livejournal! I just turned 18, and on top of that I also:

Got hogtied and thrown into a trunk
Hoodini'd my way out of that and a mouth covered with a strip of duct tape
Won a scratchcard off a scratchcard
Drove around with the four most awesome badasses around
Had some delicious milk shakes with them
Ate delicious doughnuts with the same gents
And later, got kissed on the forehead by all of them.

It truly was the most epic birthday I've ever had, thanks guys.

Other than that, I got forked in the grass and I created a battleship song (or at least the basic idea of one).

Oh, and last but not least, I've already been wished happy birthday by like, 10 people!!! (Including my dad!)

Awesome, I really do feel like today is a special day.

This is the first day of my life

finally finished my swing class. well, took the final anyway. exciting... and definitely worth it. other than that, life has been very... well overall, i guess i'm in a good mood on the average. i finally finished registering for CSUN and i'm way fricken excited about that, except they had to move my room so i don't think i'm with that alan chung kid anymore, and i don't think i'm in 1408 anymore either. anyway, hopefully i get a cool dorm with some neat kids, and if not, I'LL MAKE THEM NEAT! it's really not hard at all to make the best out of an interestingly twisted situation. yeah...

so about CSUN:
i'm taking 15 units (5 classes) which totals up to like, 5 hours on tuesdays and thursdays and 2 hours on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays. what a kick ass schedule. that means i can stay up late thursday-sunday and tuesday.
anyway, get this, while registering for english 155, i found out that all the eng155 classes were full, so i had to take an equivalent class. my options were chicano/chicana studies, asian american studies, and pan african studies. guess which one i picked?

so as any man of my color would, i picked pan african studies

anyway, after a lot of trouble and not taking a music class (bummer?) i ended up in humanities, history, PAS, computers, and... what was that last one? shoot... oh yeah! world religions.

i'm pretty excited for PAS, world religions, and history. talk about my head fucking exploding with new information. awesome, maybe college will teach me something.

enough about that, let's talk more about... umm... you know, i guess that's all i really have to look forward to other than a sweet camping trip this weekend as well as my anniversary on the 31st (with no breaks!). stephanie and i have been dating for almost one solid year (hope i don't fuck it up now) and it's been better than ever. it almost seems like we haven't even been dating that long... anyway, if you don't know my feelings for steph by now, you don't know me at all.

jon gave me this really sweet cd that i keep listening to in my head. it has neighborhoods#1 on it and this song about a suicidal robot and this song that starts with clapping where a chick eventually whispers in binary and idk, it's all really rad. i enjoy it, even if it does have random tasteless screamo metal, ;p

i think you've read enough about my dumb life, go live your own!





buries my
my neighborhood

and if

your parents are crying
then i'll dig a tunnel
from my window to yours

yeah i'll tunnel

from my window to yours"

"I just went to the morongo and turned 100 dollars into 180 dollars through a dealer named Stephanie."

It's been a good four years... Three years... And a half... whatever. Either way, the point is thanks Lauren for making me this account, I guess I wrote some pretty silly crap. And sorry Nellie for always teasing you about your priorities and Star Wars. Thanks Stephen for your shortlived commentary on random things we'd think up in Spanish or with Joe. Sorry Michelle for never really reading your entire posts. Sorry other Michele for ruining our relationship with the internet. Thanks Sarah Len for always being genuinely incredible. Thanks Lizz for loving me. Thanks Jeef for your 4chanesque reminders. Thanks Kelly for almost keeping in touch. Thanks breakfast club for adding me just because I'm Steph's boyfriend but still pretending you like me. Thanks Stephanie. Thanks Hads for commenting on my shittiest posts and making them better. Thanks Sean for all of your misty logic. Sorry I never really read your posts either Cory. Thanks Matt for having the cover of a Reel Big Fish album as your profile picture. Oh, and thanks Mrs. Newbill for always worrying my mom about the shit I wrote on here. Sorry for everyone I forgot to mention at 3:05 in the morning, you're not worthless, I swear. I'm just really fucking tired.

and thus, tired of this livejournal shit.

face it. facebook is way better.

and uhh... bye livejournal, and thanks for letting me have somewhere to type all my simple drama and basic ideas.

oh, and guys, don't feel bad if you didn't read everything :]



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