News (in)Digest: Naughty Vitter, Chicken Romney, Catty Moore/Gupta

Jul 15, 2007 21:26

Yeah, I've been AFLJ for a while, but I'm going to make an effort to keep up on news updates (since I get some time to read news at work), and try to balance my newly energized social life with LJ more. I'll try...

So here's the news:

I am still highly amused by the outing of Sen. David Vitter as a naughty little john and indulge in a fit of giggles every time the news mentions him. Poetic justice, dramatic irony, or powerful voodoo?

Abortion has been known to be the cause of doctor's appointments... (Pharyngula) Pandagon explores other ominous sounding truisms in the vein of those used by anti-choice activists.

Romney chickens out and supports "life of mother" exception again.

Nonoxynol-9 may increase risk of contracting HPV.

Here is a collection of some common attempts to explain homosexuality from an evolutionary perspective. Interesting, amusing, and not meant to be taken completely seriously.

Although the food labeling movement gains new momentum, there are still holdouts, like fast food chains (big surprise, I know).

Wal-Mart is very different in China.

CNN and Michael Moore have a silly catfight over... stupid shit.

Good news for Seattle-area types: Light Rail cost estimate $7 billion lower than first calculated.

And an awesome random link: Squid Pie!

news, science, transportation, medical, politics

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