May 25, 2005 20:43
My cousin, who is my best friend must have the patience of Job because if I had to deal with her life I would have already killed someone, namely her ex husband. I hate him worse than I hate my own. Actually, I don't hate my own, I just dislike him intensely and we play nice for our children's sake. Okay, back to my cousin. She's four years younger than me and is now married for the fourth time. She has one child from her first marriage to an alcoholic, none from her second, two from her third (this is the ass) and now she's married for a fourth time to a great guy, but he too brought in his own stuff and added to the turmoil.
So, now she still has to deal with the first ex and his alcoholic ways, her third ex is a nightmare and if he were my ex, I would have already killed the jerkoff and now her newest husband has a nut of an ex-wife who has given them tons of problems. Her new stepdaughter of which she has three, two of them just got pregnant within a month of one another. They are constantly in court with her third ex and his ex on child custody issues and the whole family is always sick.
If I were her I'd say...."Just shoot me now!"