Mar 13, 2009 01:00
And it was, infact, the soul of the book that died.
Seriously. Horrible movie. Might've been somewhat passable if it had a decent director. Horrible action sequences, terrible casting (Except for Rorschach, Nite Owl and Doc Manhatten), stupid music and overly gory when it had no call for it.
I got the impression Zack Snyder hated Adrian Veidt. Made him 3 times more uptight and aloof than he should've been. And he made it extremely obvious that Veidt was the villain. He was all but cackling maniacally in every scene.
Silk Spectre didn't smoke at all, and lost alot of her dialogue that meant anything - all she had was stuff so that the others could have something to reply to with their meaningful dialogue.
And they dumbed the whole thing down. Doc Manhatten's monologue on Mars is simplified twofold, the ending was changed to be more "believable" but yet didn't make much sense anyways, The entire scene about Rorschach's psychology was skimmed down and diluted. Even stuff like imagery was dumbed down - when the two dogs are fighting over the bones in the back garden, all Moore and Gibbons used was a simple close-up of what is quite obviously a leg bone. But Snyder has to attach a foot with shoe and sock to hammer home the point.
Snyder's never heard of "Subtlety" and it shows.
I hated the "Slow-down-speed-up" fight scenes. There's a time and a place for that, Zack, and that place is the movie 300. Not Watchmen.
And was it me, or were the powerless masked vigilantes super-humanly strong for no reason? I don't care how good a martial artist you are, you cannot simply kick someone's foot while they're airbourne and send them flying back, spinning in the opposite direction. Not even Tony Jaa could pull that shit off. Rorschach surviving that 3 story fall without damaging his foot and being able to kick the asses of about 7 cops? What the FUCK?
...And breathe...
Watchmen rant over.
On to whining about shit.
I'm filled with self-loathing of a kind I cannot describe. I sit and think too much and I stew and wallow in self-pity, thinking of Faye, still. After this fucking long. Still thinking of her, and how she fucked me over, and how much it hurt and how I was stupid enough to be in love with her.
I desperately need to stop. I shouldn't be giving the little self-absorbed greedy whore a second thought. Not anymore.
I need to stop letting people walk all over me. I need to grow a fucking backbone. I need to get some self-respect.