Jan 29, 2009 11:10
Had a strange dream. I was some kind of classic film-noir detective, and I'd been hired by Faye to find something that had been stolen from her family. She was classically beautiful, like a proper noir-dame. Soft-focus and everything.
So I go on this adventure...most of it has been clouded by the fog of memory upon waking. I remember I all of a sudden have a hapless comedy sidekick. A chubby, clumsy man who was still kinda useful and clever. Not over fat, just a bit chubby. We get captured by the evil-doers - the leader of which looks like Jean Reno.
We're tied up and stuffed into the trunk of this car - but there's two buttons inside the boot for some reason. One for the hood and one for the trunk. As soon as they slam the trunk, I kick out at the buttons, and the hood comes up. As soon as I hear that slam, I kick the boot release and they run around to close it. I kick the release button again and eventually they just call in another car, and dump me into the back seat of it - knocking me out so I can't do anything. They leave my sidekick in the trunk.
More haziness. Eventually I'm in a warehouse, and Jean Reno's interrogating me - using the torture of my sidekick to try and get me to talk. I don't, and he dies because of it. Apparently someone stole the thing from them, too. They were trying to find out who, and I'm not sure if I knew or not.
Somehow I manage a daring escape. This seems to have turned into a bond film more than a film-noir detective story.
Hazy again.
I've found the item. Still don't know what it is. I'm heading back to this random fancy restaurant/bar/club that Faye's running. I meet her outside. Jean Reno-alike steps out the shadows, gun in hand. He shoots at us, and hits Faye before I get a chance to draw my pistol. I plug him in the throat and he falls, gasping.
I kneel down beside Faye, scoop her up and take her inside. She's dying. I lay her down on a sofa and we kiss. She's gone. I take the recovered item out of my pocket - It's a jewel. A large solid ruby, the size of my fist. I've heard that's about the same size as a heart.
I open my eyes and all my feelings about Faye come flooding back. All the good memories. Then the bad ones and the taste in my mouth goes sour.
I don't understand my dream, and I spend about 10 minutes, still in bed, trying to remember details of the dream, and reminiscing about my times with Faye.
I wish I could get over her. It's been almost 5 months since she left me. Something tells me it's gonna be a hell of a lot longer before I'm over her. I know I need to move on, but something always drags me back.
I've been fine the past week or two. Random little thoughts about her but nothing this big.
I've been considering going down to part-time hours at CEX. Look for something else a bit...better. Aaron's pushing everyone harder and harder - and I realise, as a manager, that's what he's supposed to do - but he's doing it all the wrong way. He favors the Nicholls (all 3 of 'em we've got working here!) over everyone else, despite the fact me and Ben work our asses off for this damn shop. All my achievements here go overlooked - I was the 3rd best salesperson this month, despite the fact I took every opportunity to get off the tills. Not even a "good work, Phill"
So...I might try my luck elsewhere. But of course, with the recession going on....