Dec 21, 2008 18:48
I need to put more music on my phone again. Getting bored of the current playlists. Blech.
Hmm. Met up with Nozomi yesterday, was really cool. We were originally going to see her drum teacher's stoner rock band "Porcine Skin" but by the time we got to Kilburn, they had just finished.
So we hearded to Camden, bought some cheap booze (Hogaarden and Leffe blonde) and sat by the lock chatting about everything, sending music via bluetooth and having a laugh. It's been a long while since I've been to Camden, and even longer since I was in good company.
Last time I went was with Faye, right at the tail end of our relationship and it wasn't great.
But enough about that.
It's cool chilling out with Noz. Ben tried making some remarks that I've "found someone new" but I really haven't Noz is cool and all, but I don't see her in that way whatsoever. She's just cool to hang out with. I never understood why guys always have this misconception...that if you enjoy hanging out with someone, you must start wanting to fuck them. Really stupid.
Not to mention the fact Noz is 15. Even if I wanted to go there, I wouldn't.
Anyways, Noz had to leave by around midnight, so we part ways and I head home, toting a couple more beers. Was really relaxing to stroll down the street and drink at a leisurely pace. I felt...kind of almost Zen about it.
After work today, Ben and Ally came up with the idea to go out and have a drink with them two, me and Faye. And a little red flag came up in my mind - Whenever drinks and Faye are concerned, I'm better off staying away.
So I've just been kind of fuming away to myself while on the bus journey home. I really should be getting over her by now but there's always something that drags me back. I thought I was almost over her and then ATP happened and old wounds opened again. After that, it got to yesterday and I was feeling better again and suddenly I get a message from her and I'm straight back to square fucking one.
I need some distance.