(no subject)

Feb 14, 2011 23:26


Over here, it's not such a big deal as it is over there, but still, couples go out and do their thing, everything is busy and crowded. Oh, well, I was supposed to go out with a friend but I decided not to at the last minute (female friend, so it wasn't really a date) because the more I thought about it, the less I wanted to be standing in some restaurant waiting to get a table, figured I'd just go home to watch something on my comp and just rest, which I totally did. Still totally lied to my coworkers about having a hot date, though, just so you know.

Being alone on V doesn't really bother me, it's never been this thing for me, but... what does leaves me feeling... weird, is that my birthday is this friday and I have no idea what to do. I usually have this whole thing structured, but... this year, well, my plans have kinda gone blah. A couple of friends have told me to go out and have drinks with them (a set from school, another from college and another from work) but I'm not sure I'm in the drinks mood. I just, this is really bothering me, the idea of it all, and if I go into more detail either B will be pissed at me or I might get sad, so not doing that. Still. I just don't know. I'll update late.

Also, is that time of the year. My paid account expires and so do my user pics. I could buy more with my mom's credit card (finally, a credit card in the family!) but I kinda went a bit crazy with the shopping last month and right now I'm kinda broke. Argh. I totally forgot! No, really, I did! And it's not even that much, 25 bucks for the paid account, and then the 10 for the extra user pics, but that's still over a 100 soles for me. Argh. Damn it. Anyone out there willing to gift them to me, for my birthday? Pretty please? I can offer fic in exchange!

And thinking of fic... damn it, I'll write it this week, even if it kills me. It's due by the end of the month! But I'll write it!!!

paid account, writing, real life, myself

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