Okay, I'm making this shout-out in livejournal because this is the only way I find anything when I'm looking for it.
60schic, yes, I'm talking to you babe. This is a VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION.
Ergo, I'm making it here...
What do you want for your bday?
I know it's almost two months away and all, but if it's a fic (which might be the only thing I can give you, considering the economy and the fact that we're not on the same country and all), then I need time to whip the muses into shape and see what I can come up with.
Just, you know, don't ask me to finish a series because I'm seriously considering writing Whispering for NaNo this year and that's gonna kill me enough as it is.
I have high hopes of finishing the two short stories that should end the
Pancake universe and at least be done with it. And I wanna see if I can finish writing Sullen sometime after November and during the summer. So, there.
Now, what do you want for you. I still owe you a bday story (it's in the work! I promise! Just three more scenes left, which with the month I have ahead of me here in Malvinas, I just might end up finishing), so, that's not it either.
Anything else???? Ask and you SHALL RECEIVE!!!!