(no subject)

Jun 06, 2009 17:23

I miss my pre-moving life. I do.

Things are starting to get... tricky, to say the least. New moving day is July 15, I've already mentioned that, but four months in a rented apartment while still paying the new one is starting to take a toll on all of us. We're running out of money. Very very literally and very real. *sighs* Oh, well. Things will happen the way they have to happen and we'll stretch everything as far as it can take and a little bit more. I'll probably comment more once I get my internet connection back, and that should be the weekend after the 15th, *nods*

What else? Well, midterms were given back and I rocked Earthquake Engineering but they totally caught me with my pants down in Concrete. I have no idea what happened. I was so sure... nevermind. All I can do now is keep on studying and try to get a Hail Mary pass my way, you know? It won't be easy, but then again my life doesn't tend to be easy. Hell, life itself is not supposed to be easy, I think. What I hate the most is that I feel so stupid afterwards, you know? I can't believe that I studied that much and it didn't pay off. I don't get what went wrong.

I have faith, though. It's the final that will rule out at the end, and I wanna believe I can rock that one, even if I don't have the best record when it comes down to finals. But I can do it. I have to do it. That, and I know the teacher is known to take pity on us poor mortals that are taking the subject for the third time. So, yeah. I totally welcome that pity. *nods*

Anyway. What else? I wanna write Kirk/Spock but I'm holding back because, god, dude, there's just so much I don't know, you know? I haven't gotten far with TOS, I'm stuck in the first chapter, but I wanna push through mostly because I can almost see Pine and Quinto in the back, as the boys, you know? *sniff* And the fic is just killing me. It's such a prolific fandom, you know? That's what takes my breath away.

PS: E, sorry I haven't gotten around to answer your two emails. I hate not having internet! *sniff*

Also, I was a little bit too late for the sentence fiction challenge, and I'm hoping *crosses fingers* people drop out at the last minute and I can do some back up writing. It's just what I need, you know? THAT PUSH! *nods*

Oh, and...


*sniff* I want a not sucky version so I can totally drool over my boys!!!! *sniff*

midterms, college, the great move of 2009, writing, real life

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