(no subject)

Apr 05, 2009 12:56



*takes a deep breath*

God, two days later I can finally touch a computer with internet connection!!!!! *BOUNCES* I'm totally keeping this spoiler free because, well, I kind of watched it one week in advance, and I want to talk to people about the expectations and stuff, without really making them uncomfortable. I know how to keep the spoilers to myself.

It was, however, A HUNDRED TIMES BETTER THAN I EXPECTED. I think it has more to do with seeing Ben on the screen once again (I HAD NO IDEA I HAD MISSED HIM SO MUCH!!!!!!) and less with the show itself. Not saying anything more about the show, swear. It was great, seeing the boy, though. I was grinning from ear to ear and kind of screaming every other minute (not because of what was happening, more because it was BEN!!! It was RYAN!!!! DUDDEEEEE!!!!!). *giggles*

It has, however, made me write once again! IT DID!!!! I wrote a post epi story, which turns out, or it turned to be, an AU with The OC, not that I shouldn't have seen this one coming. I hae two ideas in my brain. Okay, more like three.

One: Ryan was never Sandy's client, and he got an ass as a lawyer and maybe did a couple of months in juvie, and, well, then years later he changed his name and decided to be cop. It can totally work.

Two: He was Sandy's client but Dawn was actually at home when Sandy went to leave Ryan there. He lost touch with Seth and then Ryan wanted to becom a cop and changed his name (see a pattern here? *g*)

Three (and this is the one I love the most!!!!): Everything kind of happened like in the show, but at one point (I don't have my OC files, nor internet, so it's kinda difficult for me to pin point when exactly) Ryan -- or Seth; better Seth, Seth!!!! -- Seth saw a murder happen and they had to put the whole family in the witness protection program (I've seen a couple of In Plain Sight episodes and I thought that COULD TOTALLY WORK!) and that's how Ryan went from Ryan Atwood to Ben Sherman. *giggles*

Anyway. I wrote a post episode story, and now, the more I think about it, the more I wanna watch the OC again (damn it, I MISS MY DVDS1!!!!!1 STUPID MOVE!) and write the crossover and paint them as witness protection people. *sniff*

Am I insane? No, I'm not. I swear I'm not. I just... I just really loved seeing Ben in the screen again. *sniff*

So, yeah, one short story written now. I wanna write even more now. More about Ben and his life in LA and how Sandy ended up teaching law (because he couldn't practice anymore) and how they had Sophie and Kirsten became a stay home mom and Seth was so riden with guilt that he didn't leave the state for college and how they fell in love and how they... okay, the bit I wanted to say as well is in the story, so I'm keeping that one to myself a surprise. *giggles*

Yes, there. I'll be back in about four hours to upload a file and do some more chatting about Ben. *sniff*

southland, the oc: episode rant, ben!!!!

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