(no subject)

Feb 26, 2009 08:27

Okay, dude. THE CONCERT.

To say it was amazing is coming up short, as you can all imagine. I arrived at 8.58pm on the clock, and it was supposed to start at nine. "Supposed to" being the keyword. God. The first opening act (there were two) didn't even start on time. They stated at 9.45pm, easy. Bellanova (I know nothing about the sticky thin girl that had a voice like she hadn't developed yet), a Mexican group that a friend of mine thought I'd like. I didn't. She sang for like, eight songs or something and by song number 3 I was ready to throw her off the stage. I wasn't the only one. There was only one girl in the row before me and behind me that liked her. *shrugs*

Also, let me tell you that I found out about the tickets being on sale WAY TOO LATE. I wanted to be in the first part of the audience (over here it's divided by "zones"), called BSB but that one had already sold out. The good thing about going alone (Karen wanted to go but the boys couldn't have come at a worse time for her, finantially) is that it's easy to find a single ticket that's not too far behind. I was about 30 mts from the boys. That should have been close enough for me -- it totally wasn't.

So, there was supposed to be another group after Bellanova, a peruvian group, but for some reason, nothing happened, they didn't show. *shrugs* Better for me. Still, the boys didn't go out until 11.45pm. Yeah, you heard me. I was certain the boys had gotten tired of waiting (for what, I'll never know) and left us high and dry.

Now, remember how I said there was this zone before the one I found a ticket in? Well, they STOOD UP ON THEIR CHAIRS and totally fucked up with the view. I mean, I did the same, of course, but holy shit people, really, it's one thing being able to see the whole stage from where you are (standing on the floor, people, ON THE FLOOR) and another to see the boys from the chest up because that's just the way it is. I thought the bouncers would make them (the BSB zone) get off the seats, but no. And that goes to show that we fans are insane, because in other concerts I've gone (I always wait to win the tickets, first time ever I actually pay for the, :D) even if they get on the seats for a while, it's for a while, not for the whole show. Thank god peruvian women are short, and the only guys that went, were the boyfriends and they got tired fast. *g*

It was an amazing show. It wasn't as good as others I've seen and taped when they've been show through CBS or HBO, because this is Peru and they probably don't have the safety messures so the boys don't, like, kill themselves on the air. Though I did catch another show from this tour in MSN (I have got to download it!!!) and it looked very much the same to me. Nick has grown BEAUTIFULLY! And I will always love AJ and whatever it is he does in the stage. Howie's solo song was, well, not what I would have liked to hear him sing but he does have a lovely voice, and he has some moves, but dude, really, I know you can do better. And Brian is Brian and I love to hear whatever it is he wants to sing to me. I missed Kevin something terribly, specially during "Show me the meaning" and "I want it that way", but through out the whole thing, really, because he might be the one with most poise, but I just love him. I can't not love him. *sniff*

I taped everything, because my camara, at that distance, takes something shitty pictures. I taped it through the big screen but I think it looks pretty good. I'll upload it when I get home.

Howie said a few words in spanish, but really babe, it wouldn't have cost you anything to just check your wording and pronunciation. We all got the meaning, sure, but it would have been much more impressive that way. *g*

AJ said, "Gracias" and all the girls around me were sure, and me included of course, that that's all he can say in spanish. When Howie was singing "Spanish eyes", he said Peruvian, and that of course endeared him to every girl in the house. I wasn't inmune, I accept it. Nick kept winking at us. Brian would wave. I screamed until my throat was raw and then I screamed some more. I'm coughing up a lung right about now. It was so worth it!

At the end, they wore white and red stripped shirts (our colors) and Nick took his off and threw it for the fans. I hate whomever has it. *g* I missed Kevin still. I can totally picture him in the piano singing us something nice and pretty and I will continue to love him unconditionally. *g*

It all ended a little before 2am. I filled my 2GB memory card and I wish they could have sang just one more song. A lot of the "Unbreakable" album, though I've heard it about twenty times, I didn't know the lyrics. But whenever they sang something from before, I was torn between singing with them or hearing them sing. Not a tough call, because the SOUND WAS AMAZING. So I could scream at the top of my lungs (totally did) and still hear them like they were singing to me. They sang "Quit playing games" and "All I have to give", with the hat routing (they are still DOING THAT!!!) that I totally still know by heart and, "I'll never break your heart" both in English and Spanish, and ohmygod I so don't know the spanish version lyrics. *g* I kept singing it in English until the boys caught up to ME! *g*

They sang a little of "Everybody" and everyone just SCREAMED with them and God, it was amazing. I couldn't... I wish I had been closer, yes, but it was still an amazing show. They said they are doing another album (I already knew that, hA!) and that they are coming back and this time I'M SO GOING FIRST ROW! *g*

The thing that surprised me about this show was that there were quite a few younglins. No, really. Kids of fifteen, twenty years old. God, they know my babies? My boys? No, no way. I don't believe that. I was certain it'd be twenty five year old women and above screaming their heads off. *g*

A girl in the row before me knew all the Unbreakable lyrics and a little of the previous albums, but didn't know "The one". I couldn't believe that! I was a fan back when that video was NEW! When "I want it that way" came out AS A SINGLE! Dude, I suffered the American Music Awards and the MTV Awards (I still remember Nick asked, as someone from California, to please stop counting the votes!) and the Grammys and saw Santana take the boys' Best Album award. Dude! I was there!!!! *glares*

I have the Millennium tour from HBO in a VHS tape that now I wanna find. *g* I wanna hear them all over again. *sniff*

Wow. I think I've said more than I planned, at all. *g* It's now 9am and I haven't done anything at work. *g* Off now! Videos tonight!!!!!

backstreet boys

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