(no subject)

Oct 22, 2008 18:35

Okay, so, how do you deal with your two best friends (BEST FUCKING FRIENDS, DAMN IT) that have suddenly... turned... well... more? Like, those two? Like, between them?????


I'm torn. No, I think I'm just incredibly fucked up and... well, I've taken awkward to a whole new level.

This is the story...

So you all know how Pedro, Karen and I have started to hang out together for the past... two years? Something like that. It all started because Yali (one of Pedro's closets friends) had a crush on Karen. (Karen has a boyfriend but don't mind him. The guy is practically invisible. I'll tell you that story later) So all three of us would go out and have lunch and study and go to Pedro's house and watch movies and everything.

I knew Karen and Pedro got along really well because they both love mangas and animes and that's was fine by me. A couple of times in the past three months I asked each one of them, separately, if something was going on. They both said no.

And then... AND THEN!!!!! Last saturday, on this party/thing/presentation/thing/contest in the Engineering Department, it was us three, again, and Pedro... kept holding Karen, from behind, arms around her side, hands clasped over her stomach KIND OF THING! Like they were together!

I asked Karen about it when we went to the bathroom, mostly because IT LOOKS BAD considering she has a boyfriend and my department (Civil Engineering) gossips like it's going out of style. So I was only asking her TO KEEP HER CLEAN NAME, CLEAN! She said, nah, nothing is going on. Nothing. I swear.

And then on monday, Pedro asks me to talk. As in... TALK. And we sat down on the other side of the campus and he told me that for the past three weeks SOMETHING HAD BEEN GOING ON. That they had been having lunch together and going out and walking and talking (I'm not sure if they have kissed or not) and that they both thought something was going to happen and he had asked her to dump her boyfriend and she was considering it... and holy shit DUDE I KNEW AND I DIDN'T KNOW AND HOLY SHIT.

That was then. This is now.

NOW IS EVEN WORSE. How worse? Because for the last month people have been asking me if something was going on between those two and me LIKE A FUCKING IDIOT kept saying that no, nothing was. I mean, sure, I had my suspicions, but as long as they didn't come out CLEAN I wasn't going to believe anything but their word (stupid of me, I know, sue me). And then I realize that there was something going on and I've been playing FIDDLER and ENABLER and every fucking thing and I didn't know. And if that wasn't bad enough, I'm not supposed to know. Because Pedro told me AND NOT KAREN and Karen is the kind of person who doesn't tell you stuff until IT HAS HAPPENED AND BEEN DEALT WITH AND IT'S WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE.

So. What the fuck do I do? Apparently, what I do is be weirded out and awkward and mute. There we were, today, the three of us and in the lapse of 30 minutes I said 3 words. Okay, 10. It was... Pedro kept asking me what was wrong and what the fuck was I supposed to say? You were almost dating my best friend under my fucking nose and I didn't know only I did and then you both had the BALLS to say that nothing was going on only there was? I'm not even mad, I'm just... shocked. Frustrated. Outraged? All of the above? Shit.

I kept telling them that it was me and I was going to get over it. So either I do get over it or I find myself new friends. What do you think?

I think mostly I feel like an idiot, for believing them when THEY WERE LYING TO ME and then believing them DESPITE OF all the evidence against them. I hate being lied to.

friends, real life, karen and pedro

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