What part of no didn't you understand?

Aug 15, 2008 08:47

So, for the past two weeks I've been at work all alone. Viviana (my direct boss/friend) took two weeks off and then Olcese (the boss of the boss, meaning, he runs the lab!) decided it was the perfect time to go to Europe with his wife. Ergo, me alone. ALL FREAKING ALONE.

*coughs* Nevermind. So I've been dealing with the clients and stuff. It's been, mostly, going well. I've decided that post-its are my best friend.

And thinking of that, I've added pictures! *giggles*

That's, as you can all imagine, my desk and the page opened to me posting through livejournal. *g*

That's my desk, again, filled with post its to the brim. *g* When you have such a lousy short term memory? Post its are your best friend. *g*

I look weird and fat, but that's life. *g* At least I'm smiling. *g* Sitting down is not a good look for me. I look better standing up, damn it. *sighs*

Well, the post wasn't about the pictures but about this guy. So, I've been dealing with clients. And everything was going well until yesterday, when he calls me to ask if we have a bank account at BCP. No, I tell him, we don't. We only handle Continental. Ah, okay, he says. It's all good. Until this morning when I get this email.

I'm attaching the confirmation of the payment made to the account the university has in BCP, where we've made payments before.
Please confirm. Thank you.

Hmm. Okay. So, what part of WE DON'T HANDLE BCP DON'T YOU GET. The university (the lab is part of the university but we have our OWN ACCOUNT where you have to make the payments so we actually GIVE YOU BACK THE RESULTS OF THE TESTS) has a zillion accounts for the zillion things it does. I mean, it's not like you can just make a deposit and hope it goes through. DAMN IT!

Eva (Olcese's secretary) suggests I ignore the guy until the idiot comes here to ask why he isn't getting his results. I just might end up doing that.

soil mechanics, real life, people being idiots

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