I'm catching up on two whole years of fanfiction on a fandom that's way too massive for me to get through in one lifetime. But I'm still doing it, damn it. *nods* Erin would laugh at me but I don't care. I'm doing it
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Well, all I can tell you is stick with that Sam/Dean Slash archive...that's where I go....seriously...look me up and look through my favorites....my username is deans_celtic_pixie......also, look up the wincest community...that place is pure love...as is pretty much all the other SPN communities I'm a part of. :-)
Glad you're enjoying it so! We'll have more to talk about! And I can send you my wincest when I finally get around to it.
I'm so going to hell. *wink*
Mpreg? Good mpreg? Okay, give me a link. Link!
Glad you're enjoying it so! We'll have more to talk about! And I can send you my wincest when I finally get around to it.
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