Taking a summer class: SAP 2000 v9.03

Jan 14, 2007 14:05

Okay, so, it's summer over here. I take it, I've gotten used to feeling like I'm in the ninth circle of Dante's hell, but MY GOD, THIS IS TOO MUCH. I'm in another university's campus, taking this program so, in the near future, when I need it, I have a general idea of where the hell to click. I did not know this campus was SO FREAKING HOT. *fans self, in not the nice way* *grumbles*

My god, I'm sweating like a pig. I'm sweating like Ryan fighting that huge guy in the Avengers. I'm sweating like Jack in Abbydos. *fans self* It wasn't supposed to be a fucking oven, I'm telling you. And the worst part is that the class is four hours long and there's NO BREAK. *fans self* God, it's disgusting, I'm so sweaty.

With that said, at least I'm killing the time when I'm not paying attention by writing. Oh, remember that stody I said that was the story from hell, mostly because I had a due date (February 23rd) and the clock was ticking and the story was a thousand times longer and more complicated than I had first thought? Well, I finished it. Last night. Word count: way longer than I thought it would be. Oh, and if that wasn't bad enough, as I was getting ready to bed? I realized I was missing one scene, because even though everything very much fits, it's just... well, it's like I haven't solved the main conflict, you know? And I always hate it when that happens in stories, so I won't let it happen in this one.

Edit (5.10pm): I'm still on class. Can you believe it? Four hours in total!!!! Kill me now!

Edit (11.01pm): So, I made this post from the UNI (another college, not my own: PUCP) campus, and it was supposed to be posted at 2.05pm, right? RIGHT.

WRONG!!! The date at that computer was JANUARY 14TH, 2004!!! /dies. Stupid. No reason each time I kept refreshing the main page of my journal, it wouldn't show!! *rolls eyes* Whatever. All better now.

summer stuff, computer programs

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