So, I'M BACK!!! *bounces* Yes. I have internet once again. Thanks to the fact that my mother actually paid the phone bill. *nods* Kewl. I'm so... god, I missed this place! *huggles internet cable*
As you can see, I made, like, four posts in two seconds, because even though I didn't have internet, I could open the Semagic and write my frustrations. *g* It totally, totally rocked.
Hmm. News? Well, I finally got the two betad chapters of Sullen. Yes, don't die of surprise people, I'm serious. *g* I'm gonna go over one of them and then post. And yes,
storydivagirl, babe, I know I told you about your bday story which I was, kinda, holding hostage until you sent me back Sullen. *g*
What else? Well, I finished the Advent Calendar Story, which totally took me by surprise. It's angsty and it's weird, so it's totally me, you know? I love it. Hmm. I think that's it. And NaNo 06 will mean that this year, Sullen get finished. Only three years in the making. Amazing. *bounces*
Gotta go. Gotta go over the Sullen chapter and then post. Yes!