Yep. That's me. The sucker for challenges. It's not enough that though I have the idea for the sentence story, I still can't quite write it. Argh. Argh. Argh. For real. No, it's not enough, it's never enough for me, is it? I had to give up and sign in for
The First Slash OC Community Challenge, which can be said to be about three years late in the making, but at least it's here. *nods*
My quote? Well, I haven't yet gotten the okay, but I chose:
2. The great thing in this world is not so much where we are but in what direction we are moving - Oliver Holmes
Like I said, weak at the knees, dude. For real. It's just... for me, that line pretty much says everything that has been going on this past couple of episodes. For me. I can't keep it out of my head that Seth should go to Berkeley with Ryan, or if not to Berkeley, then at least they should both be in the same fucking zip code, dude, otherwise I will kill Josh with my bare hands. And this, keep in mind, is no threat. This is a freaking promise. I miss my season one boys. And since it appears I will not be getting them back any soon, I shall write them the way they should have been written. Or die trying. Either way. *nods*
So, yeah, that's me. The sucker that cannot pass up a challenge. *sighs*
PS: Wanna join me,
monnie44? *giggles* *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*