So, I got back from the market and had tea with my grandma (very British of us, I know) and I caught "13 Ghosts" on the TV. I remember watching that movie with Jose, back 2002 when it first opened. God. I really didn't remember it was kinda scary, you know? the whole thing about the girl sitting on the edge of the tub and one of the ghosts lying in there and the girl not knowing that there was this naked ghost of a woman in there, all bathed in blood and stuff? Ugly, I tell you.
It reminded me of
Look over here", which, I totally swear will get finished soon enough, in the way that both Christopher and Murray were, at one time, close to Ryan enough to touch and it was only Seth calling them onto it that stopped them. *nods*
Also, I was zapping and caught "The day after tomorrow" in Cinecanal and I got that loud reminded that I've got a story about that in the back burner. God, I wrote like thirty pages in one sitting because I was obsessed with that movie, and then totally forgot about it. *sighs* I really want to finish it, so I might dig out the DVD and finish it after this week from hell because, yeah, another Structural week coming. *sighs*
Anyway, I'm still not done with "The secrets and lies", so I'm gonna finish that now. *g*