[oc] Magical Fire. Part IV.

Oct 13, 2005 22:45

It's about damn time I actually updated something, don't you think? I know some of you are waiting for Yelling, which yes, surprises me, considering what the last chapter was about. *shrugs* Then again, I do love that story. It's my baby. *pets story*

Anyway, to pretend that my muses haven't abandoned me for greener pastures, that they are actually writing and not shifting from one Xover to the next, so very happy that now they have 100 stories to plot and probably only have to finish, I'm posting this. I had almost forgotten I had this written and beta. *g*

Title: Magical Fire. Part IV.
Author: M. F. Luder
Fandom: The O.C.
Pairing: Ryan/Seth.
Rating: PG-13.
Category: The OC/Harry Potter crossover. Yes, you read it right. Harry Potter. *winks* Wanna guess who's a wizard?
Challenge and Premises: Written for 30_kisses, challenge 23. candy.
Author's note: Betad by the one and only storydivagirl, who will have to put up with yet another 20+ stories. Thanks sweetie! *hugs tight*
x-posted to 30_kisses.
You can find the rest of my 30_kisses stories over under Response to 30_kisses or at The Small Table. *g*

Magical Fire

Magical Fire
Part IV

4. candy

The next morning, Ryan and Seth sit on the kitchen stools, watching Kirsten and Sandy lean against the cupboards, cups of coffee in hand and bagels in the other. Ryan doesn't understand why they don't sit down at the table they ate from last night at dinner, instead of standing there while he and Seth eat their cereals. Then again, they really don't look like most people.

A tap makes Ryan turn, gaze shifting to the window. He tilts his head to the side as he wonders if he's actually seeing an owl rapping its claw on the window, a letter held securely in its beak.

He's about to ask Kirsten if maybe they should scare the owl away, when Kirsten puts her cup down and walks toward the window. Opening it, the owl swoops in and drops a letter on top of the kitchen counter, right by the side of the cereal box.

"About time," Kirsten says as she makes her way back toward one of the cupboards, getting out a handful of owl treats. She gives them to the owl with a smile. "Here you go, Frodo. I'm sure you're tired."

The owl picks at her hand before flying out of the window and toward its perch inside a small room on the farthest side of the second floor.

She shakes her head, picking up the letter. "Frodo, what kind of name is that?"

Seth chuckles against his hand. "You always say that mom."

"Well, it's true."

Sandy grins, shrugging as he takes another sip of his coffee. "I was in love with the books at that time."

"But Frodo?"

"It's a perfectly good name."

She rolls her eyes as she opens the letter. "Finally."

"Your sister?"

Kirsten nods. "Yes." Her gaze scans the letter before groaning. "Perfect. Oh, I j knew she'd pull something like this. I can't make it Kirsten, I'm sorry." She shakes her head, handing Sandy the letter. "Something about a Hungarian Horntail having laid her eggs and not wanting to leave her alone. But she can leave me alone with dad's party, can't she?"

"Sweetie," Sandy says, placing his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side. "We'll manage. Like we have the last three years."

"She goes off to Romania and forgets she has a father."

"Well, with a father like that, I can't blame her."


Sandy chuckles. "I'm just saying, honey."

"You have a sister?"

The question surprises Kirsten, mostly because Ryan is such a quiet boy, asking something like that has to mean he's warming up to them, right? Especially after going to wake Seth and realizing he wasn't in his bedroom, but snuggled up in Ryan's bed, holding hands tightly, almost as if afraid they might lose each other. Kristen smiles at the fond memory of only a few hours ago.

She smiles at him. "Yes, Hailey. She's ten years younger than me, actually. She works with dragons," she says, frowning. "Never really knew where that came from. Day after she finished Hogwarts, she walked up to dad and told him she was going to Peru to study to be a Dragon Keeper. He wanted her to stay home, of course, take up the family business of making money off of muggles." Kirsten shrugs, reaching for her cup of coffee. "Well, Hailey wouldn't take it. Said she was going, and if he wanted to disinherit her, then so be it. He didn't, of course, she's his baby girl, he'd die before letting her go without money."

"She works with dragons?"

Kirsten nods at his impressed tone. "Yes, and she's very good at it. She's been around some. After Peru, I think it was Australia. Right now she's in Romania. Will probably stay there for a while, from the sounds of it. She loves it there."

"Working with dragons?" He asks again, though it's more to himself than to anyone else. "Wow. That's gotta be..."

"Dangerous," Kirsten says with something of a motherly tone in her voice. "I don't know much about it, haven't really seen her do it. Best this way, actually. I fear I might see her handling a dragon and end up running to her side to protect her from it, actually."

"And you just might, honey."

Kirsten looks over her shoulder at her husband, glaring slightly as he gave her a big grin. "Silky."

Silky pops up into the middle of the kitchen, large pink cake floating by her side before moving itself toward the kitchen counter and landing smoothly in between Ryan and Seth's bowls of cereal.

Silky's almost bouncing in excitement as she sing-songs, "Silky baked a cake for the new young master. Silky now has two young masters to take care of. Two young masters, like Silky always wanted. Silky, who has served The Noble House of Cohen for so many years, since Silky's mistress was only a baby--"

"That's very nice of you, Silky," Kirsten says, cutting the house elf's speech before she starts to recount Kirsten's birth and her wedding to Sandy.

"Yes, yes, Silky has baked a cake for young Master Ryan. Young Master Ryan Cohen."

"Atwood," Sandy corrects, turning to look at Ryan as the question arises. He didn't want to bring it up last night, not right after announcing Ryan would be staying there permanently. "I mean, it's your last name Ryan, we don't want to force you to change it or anything. It's your legacy, but for all accounts, now you are a Cohen."

"Welcome to a life of insecurities and paralyzing self doubt." Seth grins as he looks at Ryan. He reaches forward, wiping a bit of frosting from the cake and sticking his finger in his mouth. "Perfect, Silky. Really outdid yourself there."

"Silky is proud young Master Seth approves. Silky is proud of both her masters, getting into Hogwarts. Silky didn't bake a cake for their acceptance," she says, frowning, staring down at her hands. She would iron her hands at her forgetfulness if she didn't know her mistress would probably yell at her and then she'd want to boil them and her mistress would yell at her once again. No self-punishment allowed in the Noble House of Cohen. "Silky can bake another one for my young master. Two cakes for Silky's two younger masters--"

"That won't be necessary," Kirsten says, reaching to pat Silky on the head, fully knowing the small house elf was tempted to punish herself. Poor thing. It was her mother who taught Kirsten never to allow a house elf to punish itself, no matter what her dad told her. "I'm sure they can share the cake."

Seth nods, bouncing off his stool. "Yes, we can, can't we Ryan? Now, plates. Oh, Silky, really, great cake."

"You can have it as a dessert for lunch." Kirsten places her hand on Seth's shoulder as he's making his way around her for the plates.

"But mom!"

"And I can have some, too."

Seth frowns. "You're coming home for lunch?"

She nods. "Yes, thought we could have lunch together, then go to 17th Street and do some shopping." At Ryan's confused look, she explains. "17th Street is an all magical neighborhood. There are great stores there. And there's your grandfather's birthday party this Saturday," she says, turning to look at Seth as he groans. "We can do the Hogwarts shopping." She looks up at Sandy. "Do you think you could meet us there?"

"Yeah, sure. How about around 3pm? You do robes and potions, and I can meet you for books and wands."

"Perfect. Now," she leans forward, kissing Seth on top of his head, then to the side to place another kiss on Ryan's head. She smiles at them, her boys. "Play nice and I'll be back around noon."

Sandy pats Seth's shoulder and Ryan's back before following his wife out of the house.


After finishing lunch and seconds on the cake, Kirsten watches the boys, head tilted, as she sips a cup of coffee. It's a bit of a surprise how easy it is to see Ryan talking with Seth, elbowing each other, picking off of each other's plates, and Kirsten can't really believe Ryan hasn't been in their lives for more than four days.

Seth finishes his plate first, always loving Silky's cake, and when there's a bite left on Ryan's, Ryan gives Seth a sideways glances before nudging him. Ryan pushes his plate toward Seth and shrugs. Seth beams, bouncing in his seat before picking up the fork and eating the piece in one swallow.

Kirsten's heart melts a little bit because of this boy.

"Now that you're finally done," she says with a chuckle, "go upstairs, brush your teeth and get a jacket. We're leaving as soon as I finish my coffee."

They nod, jumping off the stools and running upstairs. She watches them go with a smile. Two sons, her two boys. She sighs.

"Fireplace for you, mistress."

Kirsten turns around. Silky's standing by the stools and the boys' plates make their way through the air toward the sink, where a sponge starts washing them on its own. Kirsten frowns. "Who is it?"

"Master Nichol, my mistress. He's been inquiring about your whereabouts. Silky told him she'd get you in a moment, mistress, my beautiful mistress."

Kirsten sighs, leaving her cup on the counter and waving Silky off when she tries to pick it up. "I'm gonna finish it. I just have to deal with my father," she rolls her eyes. Apparently, her dad can't handle muggles on his own even through lunch break.

She makes her way toward the living room, shaking her head as she can see her dad's head in the middle of the green and bluish flames.

"There you are, Kiki. I was looking for you."

"Where else could I be, dad?" She sighs, sitting by the edge of the sofa, arms folded. "I told you I was going to leave at lunch."

"You did no such thing."

She rolls her eyes. "Yes, dad, I did. If only you would listen to me--"

"But I always listen to you, Kiki."

"Right, like you've heard me complain time and time again how I don't like you calling me Kiki." Kirsten shakes her head. "I'm taking the boys out to 17th Street, I told you that. There's Hogwarts shopping to do, and a couple new dress robes--"

"You're taking Seth?" He grins, nodding as he does so. "Yes, yes, very well. I'm very proud of that boy. Not that I ever doubted his magical abilities. I mean, he is a Nichol. No Nichol has ever been a squib, you know? There are only magical folks in our ancestral home."

Kirsten narrows her eyes, lips pursed. "Both boys, dad, not just Seth. I'm taking Seth and Ryan."

Caleb huffs. "I don't know who you're talking abo--"

"Don't do that, dad, I'm telling you. Don't you dare--"

"I have no idea what you were thinking, taking in a stray muggleborn like that."

Kirsten bites the inside of her cheek. She won't yell at him, she won't, no matter how much he deserves it. "It was our decision. Sandy and mine, not yours. He's our son now."

"Really, Kiki, tainting our name like that. It wasn't enough that you had to marry a muggleborn, now you've also taken in a stray cat as well."

"He's no stray cat." She stands up, taking a step forward to the fireplace. "He's our son now, and if you can't stand it, then at least have the decency not to speak of him like he's nothing but mud on your shoes."

"Kiki, please, have some sense of mind. Your mother--"

"My mother would have smiled at me and given Ryan his own house elf, you know that."

Steps thudding down the stairs make her turn around. Ryan and Seth run their way down, smiles on their faces, with their jackets in their arms. She smiles at them.

As they approach the fireplace, Seth grins as he recognizes his grandfather. "Grandpa."

Caleb smiles. "Seth, nice to see you, boy." When his gaze falls down onto the other boy, side by side, next to Seth, he glares. "Well, if it isn't the mudbloo--"

"That's enough, dad." She hisses through clenched teeth. She can feel her heart beating rapidly in her chest, her hands closed into fists. "I won't allow you to talk like that in my house. I'll see you tomorrow." And with a flick of her wrist, her father's head disappears from the fireplace.


Kirsten shakes her head as Seth blinks at her, taken back. "He can be such a pig when he wants to. Don't worry, Seth. It's nothing."

"But he said--"

"I know. And that'll be the last time he says it, I swear to Merlin." She turns around, hand reaching to touch Ryan's cheek. He doesn't know what has happened, and it's better that way. "Are you boys ready?"

Ryan frowns, certain something has happened that he should know about, but says nothing as he nods.

"Good," Kirsten says, smiling. She takes a step closer to the fireplace and retrieves a small silk bag. Getting out a pinch of powder, she hands it over to Seth, who cups his hands to receive it.

"Now, I don't know if Seth told you about this--"

"Oh. Oh. Oh. I forgot." Seth turns around, a grimace on his face as he looks at Ryan. "Sorry, dude, I forgot."

Ryan waves it off. "Don't worry."

Kirsten smiles. "Well, we're going shopping to 17th street. There are only two ways to get there, through Floo, and going downtown and passing through Mandy's store. Anyway, Floo is much quicker."

Seth picks up the explanation. "It's very simple. All you have to do is throw the Floo powder into the flames, stand in the middle of them, and say 17th street." Seth nods. "Very easy."

Ryan can't help but lift an eyebrow. "Into the fireplace?"

Kirsten gives him an encouraging smile. "It's not as bad as it looks." Turning around, she points her wand toward the fireplace. "Incendio."

Red flames erupt in the fireplace and Ryan takes a step back. He blinks, confused, and watches as Seth throws the dust in his hands toward the fireplace. The flames roar emerald green, as high as Kirsten herself probably. He wonders how exactly he supposed to walk in there, he'll burn to death, if the fire is that high.

"I think it's better if we do this together," Seth says, and Ryan thinks that might be a very good idea indeed.

Kirsten nods at them as they turn around to look at her. "Go on. You know how to do it Seth."

Seth nods. "Hold on tight. Oh, and keep your eyes closed."

A hand takes hold of his and Ryan is dragged into the flames, eyes closed shut. He doesn't burn at first touch, the way he had assumed such weird flames would consume him. Instead, it feels warm and a little bit tingly. Turning around, Seth's standing by his side, grin on his lips. Ryan cocks his head to the side.

He wants to see Seth do this, and he keeps his eyes open for another second as Seth says very clearly, "17th Street!"

Ryan's breath catches in his throat, his chest tight and it feels as thought someone's sitting on top of him, it almost hurts. Everything moves around him, round and round and he moves his free hand to his mouth, worried he might throw up inside the fireplace, closing his eyes as he does so. There's no sound around him, or every sound, he doesn't know. There's wind around him, around his face and ears and hair and something almost hits his shoulder, making him press his arms tightly to his sides. There's something pressing against his left side and, though he knows is Seth, he wants to open his eyes and see. He stops himself from doing it, however.

And, before he gives up and opens his eyes, wanting nothing but to ask Seth to stop this and couldn't they take a cab to wherever it is they are going, Ryan falls forward on the floor, on his knees, coughing up what he thinks is soot.

"You okay?"

Ryan coughs up some more soot, falling onto the floor in front of his face before turning around to look at Seth. Seth kneels on the floor by Ryan's side and, he notices only now, a hand on Ryan's shoulder. He smiles. "Yeah, just..." He stands up slightly wobbly on two legs that seemed to want nothing but to give up under him, "shocked. I had no idea..."

Seth nods and, as Ryan tilts his head to the side, eyes squinting as he notices that Seth, though covered in soot, doesn't have even half as much as him. "What did you do?"

Looking down at himself, Seth shrugs. "Oh, well, I have done this before, you know? Not much, but a little bit. Give it a month or two and before you know it you'll be walking out of the fireplace without missing a step."

Ryan snorts. "Yeah, right."

A moment later, as Ryan keeps on brushing away soot with Seth's help, Kirsten walks out of the fireplace. She doesn't even have a hair out of place and with a smile on her face, she places her hands on the boys' shoulders. The three of them walk out of the small shop, one large room with about ten fireplaces for people coming and going, and out to 17th Street.

Ryan's eyes stay wide open as they make their way down the main street. It looks very much like downtown California, if only with what looked like owls on the windows, people in weird clothing, with pointy hats, large pots on the street for selling and everything he would have never imagined.

Seth explains everything as they walk, how 17th Street is a magical suburb with magical stores. He points out "The Best Cauldrons in the States!", "McLachlan's Owl Residence -- if it flies, we have it!"

"That's where you can find owls, obviously. And that's one apothecary, though mom doesn't shop there, not that mom uses it much. She's very good at potions, dad's always saying, but she doesn't do them anymore. She has only the essentials, I think. Dad hates potions. Oh, oh, and that's a great bookstore. Most of my wizard books are from there. Dad loves it. He has tons of books, you know. And that's M&Ms place."

At Ryan's confused look, certain M&Ms' a muggle candy store and not a magical one, Seth explains.

"Oh, well, yeah, but mom says the owner is actually a wizard. The Ministry of Magic has been after them for years, saying they've enchanted the candy so muggles buy more of it, but they've never been able to prove anything." Seth shrugs. "Either way, it's amazing. You should see all the things they've got. They also own chocolate frogs, did you know?"

"First thing first," Kirsten says as they pass the apothecary on the corner, the one owned by Kellar. "We'll do robes, then the rest of the equipment."

Ryan looks up at her, worried about how much money they'll spend. He swallows past the lump in his throat and he wonders if maybe they could buy him second hand. "I don't need new robes," he says, head ducked to the side. "If Seth has some he doesn't wear anymore--"

"Oh, sweetie." Kirsten turns around, kneeling in front of Ryan. Seth pauses, biting his lower lip, standing by Ryan's side. Kirsten shakes her head, hands on Ryan's shoulder. "Sweetie, you don't have to worry--"

"I don't want you spending too much money."

It's bad enough mom left me, Ryan thinks with a bitter taste on his lips. If it means the Cohens not leaving him, if it means him not having Seth or a school to go to means having hand downs, then it's more than worth it.

Kirsten takes a deep breath, trying to find a way to do this without actually hugging the boy to her chest and kissing away all the insecurities. "First of all," she says with a small smile, "it's not too much money. Second of all, I don't know if you've noticed, but we don't tend to have financial problems -- ever. Third of all, and most important," she nods, eyes locking with Ryan in hopes that he will understand this fully and never question it again, "you're our son now. Our son, Ryan."

And it certainly feels that way, she thinks as her heart softens.

She reaches out, touching his cheek briefly before lowering her hand to caress the nape of his neck lovingly. Our son, she thinks again. Our son. Her gaze flickers to Seth standing on the side, smiling and nodding, so very happy about having a brother, finally, probably. So very pleased with their decision that it only makes her even more certain about it once again.

"Everything we give Seth, you deserve it as well." She shakes her head as Ryan's about to complain. "No, I mean it Ryan. You're a Cohen," she says, grinning, "for better word of it. And so," she caresses Ryan's cheek with her thumb one last time before standing up. "For robes first."

With a smile, she places her hand on the boys' shoulders and pushes them forward and down the street.

"See," Seth says as he nudges Ryan with his elbow. Ryan ducks his head. "You're a Cohen now. You're my brother. Weird, coz we don't look anything alike."

Ryan rolls his eyes. "You're crazy."

"It runs in the family. Be careful."

Kirsten listens to the boys banter with a smile, taking a deep content breath.

It doesn't take them long to reach "Soplin & Soplin's, Fine Wizarding Dress". The lady in charge and owner, a tall blond woman with dark green eyes and very expensive looking robes greets Kirsten by her first name, giving her a kiss on each cheek. Karenina, Ryan heard Kirsten call her, before she turns around and pinches Seth's cheek. Seth ducks his head, trying to get away but finding no place to go.

"If it isn't time for school robes. By Merlin, doesn't time fly. Washington Wizardry?" She pauses, shaking her head. "No, no, that's not right. Hogwarts, I believe, right?"

Kirsten nods, beaming proudly.

"Of course. You went to Hogwarts, and Sandy as well, am I not right?" She grins at her perfect memory, before turning around and looking at the boy standing by Seth's side. "And who is this fine wizard we have here?"

Kirsten grins from ear to ear, standing behind Ryan and placing both hands on his shoulders. "Our son," she says, looking down at Ryan as he blushes, "Ryan Atwood."

Karenina nods appreciatively, squatting before him to look at him in the eye. "It's my pleasure to meet you, Master Atwood. I feel I'll be seeing you again."

Ryan squints, tilting his head to the side and wonders about the weird gleam in the woman's eyes as she stands up and turns around, walking down the length of the shop to one of the stools.

He turns around to look at Seth, who shrugs, taking a step closer to Ryan. "I have no idea," Seth says lowly, close to Ryan's ear. "She's very weird, but she's kinda mom's friend. And why in Merlin's name didn't she pinch your cheeks?"

Ryan smirks as Karenina tells them to step onto the stool. Things seems to move quickly after that, as Ryan watches Karenina write down measurements as tape measures do the work on their own, needles and fabric moving around, sowing here and there.

Before long, they each have their three sets of plain work robes, as required, three pointed hats, Kirsten believes in having spare ones, certain the boys will lose them. She wonders for a minute about spare robes, and buys two more, just in case. She can always owl them to the boys if it comes to that. And two sets of winter cloaks. One more, in case it was to get spilled on. Seth jokes that it's their mom being a compulsive shopper.

"Dress robes as well, Karenina, please."

The woman grins, picking up her small pad as she does so. "Good, good. Colors?" She tilts her head, looking at the boys. "I'd say scarlet and gold, but I don't want to step over any boundaries."

Kirsten chuckles, biting down her lip to hide her smile. Scarlet and gold would look good on both boys, yes. "Dark blue, gray, black. Dark green. Ryan'll look good in dark green. Oh, and burgundy. Bring out Ryan's eyes. Separate gold and silver fastenings, please."

Karenina beams. "Of course. Of course. A reason in particular?"

"My father's birthday party," she says, sighing. She can still feel her neck burning in remembrance of her father's tactless comment. "I'm sure you've heard about it."

"Supposed to be the party of the year, yes, of course. Caleb Nichol does throw the best parties."

She snorts and Karenina lets the matter drop. Kirsten's certain she'll see her there, anyway, wealthy and pureblood is her dad's guest list, and Karenina is both.

Half an hour later, after everything has been set and more measurements, Ryan doesn't know what for, didn't they just take them, are done, Kirsten kisses Karenina on the cheek goodbye and they leave. The robes will be owled to them, Kirsten tells Ryan.

With that out of the way, they make their way to Monter's Shop, which Ryan assumes is the apothecary, considering there are cauldrons visible in the window. The bell chimes as they enter. Ryan and Seth follow Kirsten toward the counter, and she leans forward, looking at the first row of silver spoons bigger than the ones Ryan uses to stir the canned soup.

"Kirsten, my darling."

Ryan blinks as a girl who couldn't be more than fifteen steps past the curtain dividing the front shop with the back. She's wearing a purple robe with silver fastenings on her neck, pushing it back over her shoulders to show a very simple purple matching dress underneath. She has pink lips that curve into a smile, showing her dimples. Her white teeth and shining eyes, dark green, Ryan notices, make him do a double take and look over her shoulder, waiting to see her mom walking out of the back shop.

"Kellar, sweetie. Looking as pretty as ever." Kirsten smiles at girl.

"By Merlin, haven't you grown," Kellar says, her green eyes looking straight at Seth. Seth only nods and lowers his head, blushing slightly. She nods to herself. "Yes, yes, very grown up of you. How old are you, anyway? Twelve?"

"Eleven," Kirsten says, filing in the blanks. "Going to Hogwarts actually."

"Oh, that's right. You're heritage. My, doesn't time fly." She squints as her gaze lands on Ryan. "And who are you, my dear?" She turns around to look at Kirsten. "When did you have another son that I didn't hear of?"

Kirsten chuckles, placing her hand on Ryan's shoulder. "Ryan Atwood. He's a recent addition to our family."

"Well, still. Family is family." She smiles at him, a lock of her hair falling over the side of her face and she looks even girlier than before. "Well, well, enough chit chat. Let's see what I have for you boys."

It takes them almost an hour before being done with the shopping, two large sets for beginners, ready to be owled later this afternoon. She thanks them, gives them another dimple-showing-smile before they walk out of the store.

"How old is she?" Ryan can't help but ask once they've been past another two stores.

Kirsten smiles, patting his shoulder. "She looks like a little girl, doesn't she?" She chuckles. "Poor thing. It's a family trait. The women in her family don't look over fifteen, sixteen at the most. Ever. As far as I know, she's actually older than me by a few years."

"No," Ryan says, taken back by this new information. "There's no way--"

Seth nods, looking at Ryan. "Dude, I remember her from the few times I've come here with mom. She's always looked like that."

Ryan shakes his head idly, looking over his shoulder at the store on the corner. How does she get dates?

Reaching the next block, they walk into a small shop, weird looking from the outside and even weirder from the inside. A young man, Joseph Augustus, with black rimmed thick glasses, greets them. He talks with Kirsten about the old years, back when divination and stargazing had a real place in the Ministry of Magic. He sighs, remembering old times, when Kirsten first walked in, her hand tightly gripped by her mother, and bought her first telescope set.

It takes them another half an hour before they can walk out of the shop. Apparently, the man likes to reminisce, and Ryan has heard two more stories about Kirsten when she was a child, and one of the first time Mr. Augustus -- Joseph to friends, he said, and Kirsten has been buying telescopes, and her father before her, for so long they've been considered friends for almost a century -- saw Kirsten walking down 17th Street hand in hand with Sandy.

It's five to three by the time they find their way to "Johansen's Bookshop, from the A to Z, and all the letters that do not show themselves" with cones of ice cream. Ryan's is chocolate flavored, though this is wizardry ice-cream, which means that even though it's chocolate, the color keeps shifting from dark brown to yellow, to white and magenta, jumping through orange and purple. And when Ryan licks it, the ice cream melts, it shudders on his tongue, making Ryan shiver.

When Seth has reached the halfway point on his vanilla cone, he offers it to Ryan, in exchange for Ryan's.

"Sweetie," Kirsten says with a smile, "I'm sure Ryan would like to finish his own cone."

And Ryan knows what she doesn't say. And maybe, he does mind having an ice cream that has already been licked, but he doesn't. Somehow, he just doesn't, so he shrugs and hands Seth his own, taking Seth's vanilla one, now colored lime green.

Kirsten smiles at the boys, shaking her head and whispering a silent prayer to Merlin, and her mother watching her, that her son has found a friend like Ryan. And herself, a son like Ryan.

They only have to wait a minute before they can see Sandy walking down the street, waving at them. Kirsten waves back, smile on her lips, and she takes his hand and kisses his lips the moment he reaches her.

"Ew," Seth says with a grimace, and Ryan smiles at him.

Sandy chuckles, squinting in Seth's direction before turning to look at his wife. "You done with your part?"

Kirsten nods. "Robes and potions, check."

He grins. "Perfect, now let's get done with the rest."

Buying books is easier, Ryan realizes, when they walk into Johansen's Bookshop. The book lists are well known ahead of time, so all they have to ask for are two sets of Hogwarts' first year books. They spend the next hour browsing around.

Each of the boys can buy three books, Sandy tells them, four if at least two of them will be of any good use. Ryan doesn't want to push his luck, deciding to take the safe road and not choose anything, but Seth doesn't budge, and pretty much gives him no other choice but to buy with him.

"They won't get mad," Seth says, after seeing Ryan pick up a book and place it back down onto the pile of two books for a sickle. "They don't lie," he adds after a moment. "And you're a Cohen now, so, go on, buy those."

Ryan takes a deep breath, picks up the battered books, "Everything you never knew about Magical History," and "Albus Dumbledore, the fun facts of the biography that wasn't going to get published". He figures, with everything he doesn't know about this world, he might as well pick up on it before going to school and making a fool of himself.

He shows them to Sandy, who's on the other side of the bookshop, eying books about Quidditch. Sandy tilts his head, and then nods, giving Ryan a thumbs up.

"Argh, dad, for Merlin's sake, could you be any more embarrassing?" Seth shakes his head and places a hand on Ryan's shoulder, making him turn around. "I'm sorry, that's my dad, he doesn't really know the difference between parenting and embarrassing. Forgive him."

Ryan doesn't actually mind, but he shrugs. "It's okay."

Seth finds his three books in no time, knowing exactly what he wanted to buy today. Two comics of "The Howling Werewolf", a book of transfigurations that caught his eye, and the fourth one, though it wasn't really school related, would be shared with Ryan. It was "Quidditch through the Ages", because his dad's copy was too battered and kept in his bedroom most of the time.

Doing wizard shopping is way easier than he ever expected, considering they don't have to carry anything. Everything ended up being owled to them, except for Seth's comics, which he wanted to read as soon as he got home, and Dumbledore's biography, which Seth told Ryan to take with him.

Wands are left for last. The shop, to Ryan's surprise is in a corner, rather small and shabby looking. There were gold letters above the door, "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.". Ryan frowns. BC? As in, Before Christ? He turns around, looking at Seth, but he only nudges Ryan in the side, pushing him forward.

He walks into the shop, before Kristen and Sandy, and as a bell rings inside the shop, he sees the wand lying on a purple cushion in the window.

The moment he steps into the shop, he can feel a tingle around his body, making him shiver. A hand is placed on his shoulder, and Ryan looks up to see Kirsten smiling at him.

"It's okay. That was a port key. No one really knows where the shop is located. This is the only shop, no matter where you walk into it from. Here, Europe, Asia. It's one shop."

Ryan nods, not quite understanding what Kristen's trying to tell him. Seth told him about port keys, at some point or another, but--

"Good afternoon."

The voice catches Ryan by surprise, and he turns around, looking at the shop and the thousands of narrow boxes, one on top of another, on every wall, like a library. There's an old man standing before them, pale eyes shining like moons.

"Well, hello, Ryan Atwood."

Ryan blinks. How does this man know his name?

The man smiles, head tilted, his gaze shifting to Seth. "And you, Seth Cohen. I have been waiting for the two of you."

Seth swallows thickly and takes a step toward Ryan. Ryan can feel Seth's elbow against his side and he thinks they can draw strength in numbers.

"You have your father's eyes." He looks up at the parents, standing behind them.

The man almost smiles, only a curl of his lips, and Ryan's glance shifts quickly to Seth. They both take a step backwards, closer to Kristen and Sandy.

"It's a pleasure seeing both of you."

"Mr. Ollivander," Kirsten says, followed by Sandy's nod and smile toward the man. "It's been so long."

"Too long. Kirsten Cohen, mahogany wand, ten and a half inches, bendy, perfect for potions. I'm sure you're in need of some wax, perhaps a polish. One can never take too little care of one's wand."

Sandy nods. "Of course. Two cans of wax, and I think I'll leave the polishing for another time."

"As you please, Master Cohen. Eleven and a quarter inches long, maple and phoenix feather. Of course."

Sandy ducks his head, not slightly taken aback by the fact that even as it's been twenty one years since he bought the wand, the man still remembers. "Well, yes. Hmm."

Nodding, Mr. Ollivander closes the space between Seth and him, and Ryan has to bite back the desire to place his arm around Seth's shoulder, to protect him. This man knows Sandy and Kirsten, and they would never let anything happen to Seth, and so Ryan trusts this man. Slightly.

Pulling a long tape measure with silver markings out of his pocket, Mr. Ollivander tilts his head. "Which is your wand arm?"

Seth frowns. "Hmm... right?"

"Hold out your arm. That's it." He measures Seth from shoulder to finger, then wrist to elbow, shoulder to floor, knee to armpit and round his head.

Seth keeps giving Ryan confused glances, and Ryan only shrugs, and catches Seth's by the shoulder when the other boy almost trips taking a step back.

Mr. Ollivander lifts an eyebrow but says nothing, before returning to his measurements which, by this point, Ryan isn't surprised in seeing that the tape measure's doing the work all by itself. As it takes notes on Seth's nostrils, Mr. Ollivander starts.

"Every Ollivander wand has a core of a powerful magical substance, Mr. Atwood. We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons." The man turns around, looking in between boxes and shelves. "No two Ollivander wands are the same, just as no two unicorns, dragons, or phoenixes are quite the same. And of course, you will never get such good results with another wizard's wand."

Seth's hand seeks Ryan's blindly, and Ryan catches Seth's hand in between his, tightening his hold on it.

"Alright, here," Mr. Ollivander says. The tape measure crumples to the floor as Mr. Ollivander holds a wand for Seth to take. "Mr. Cohen, good. This one, if you please. Willow and unicorn hair. Nine and three quarters, very flexible. Give it a good wave."

Seth frowns, taking a deep breath as he does so. He squeezes Ryan's hand for a second before Ryan lets go of it. Seth reaches out for the wand and waves it around, making a circle with it. He's about to try and make another shape when Mr. Ollivander takes it from his hands.

"Ebony, phoenix feather. Eight and a half inches. Try --"

Seth barely raises the wand before it's taken away. Seth turns around, and mouths What? to Ryan before being given another one. And another. By the fifth try, Ryan can see Seth starting to get desperate, palms sweating and rubbing them against his pants.

Kirsten smiles at Seth, giving his shoulder a squeeze. "It's okay sweetie. We can stay here until you find the right one."

"Like, what, forever?" Seth shakes his head. "Mom, this is too much, maybe--"

"It took me about seven tries," Sandy says, grinning from ear to ear, arms folded on his chest, "and your mother more like ten, before we found what we were looking for. It's okay. Don't worry."

Seth sighs, and Ryan wonders, if it's this difficult for Seth, then what will it be like for him?

"Okay, let's see with this one." Mr. Ollivander nods, handing Seth the wand. "Maple, dragon heartstring. Ten one quarter, swishy, better for charm work."

Seth takes a deep breath, eyeing the wand with some distaste and everyone must be starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe, well, they had sent the letter to the wrong person.

"Okay, here goes nothing." He grips it in between almost indecisive fingers. The wand's warm, and, as makes a swish with it, from left to right, blue and gold sparkles from the end, like lights and lines, and Seth grins. "Finally!"

Mr. Ollivander nods, clapping softly. "Very good. Very good." His gaze shifts to Ryan, and he gulps.

Ryan blinks, running a hand through his hair. Seth gives Ryan's side a nudge and a grin. Ryan relaxes, slightly, and nods back. Okay, he can do this. It's not going to hurt, right?

The tape measure floats above mid air before starting taking the same measurements it did with Seth. Ryan keeps still, half holding his breath. After a moment, not too long but long enough to give Ryan more apprehension that he needs, the tape falls down the floor and Ryan's presented with his first wand.

Ryan looks over his shoulder at Seth, who grins, and Ryan lets out his breath through barely parted lips. He touches the wand with his fingertips.

"Holly and phoenix feather." Mr. Ollivander's voice catches Ryan by surprise. "Eleven inches, nice and supple."

Ryan nods, and raising the wand in his hand, and he barely moves it before it's taken away.

"Well, let's try this one."

Ryan hadn't actually expected to find his wand in the first try, nor in the second. It took Seth five tries, and he comes from an all magical family, so, yeah, with five tries he could deal. And maybe six, and seven, he thinks, it's really not much.

But then, minutes tick by, longer than he expected, and the wands start piling up on top of the counter, one after another. Ryan looses count after the fourteenth one.

"I've had tricky customers before," Mr. Ollivander says, turning around, eyeing his stock with a tilted head. "A wizard always does find a wand. This will be no exception."

Was that doubt Ryan heard in Mr. Ollivander's voice? Ryan frowns, and when he turns around to look at the Cohens, they are looking back with more than a little apprehension. Okay, so he isn't the only one worried here, that's good. At least he's not alone in this.

"Mr. Ollivander?" Sandy takes a step forward, glancing at his wife before looking at the man.

"Nothing to worry, Mr. Cohen. Nothing to worry about."

Ryan squints. Hmm... Oookay.

Mr. Ollivander pauses as he rummages through the high shelves on the walls of his small store, where boxes have gathered so much dust that the moment he moves them, Ryan can see a cloud of dust lifting up and Mr. Ollivander coughing. He's getting them down when he pauses, glances at Ryan over his shoulder, gaze shifting to look at something behind Ryan, and then nods to himself. "Yes, yes, that could very well be it. Yes, very well, indeed." He places the box he had been holding back where he retrieved it from.

Ryan frowns even more.

Mr. Ollivander climbs down the set stairs he had used, quickly, as in a hurry, and makes his way to the back of his store.

"Something wrong?"

Kirsten shakes her head at Seth's question. "No, sweetie, nothing. Don't worry. I've never heard of any wizard not finding a wand at Ollivander's." She gives Sandy a quick glance. Well, she had never heard of any wizard. She's certain this can't be the exception.

Mr. Ollivander is back a moment later, a box in his hands and a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, Mr. Atwood, do please try this one."

Ryan doesn't really know whether to bother to take it only to have it not work once again. He shrugs, tells himself at least he tried, that's a lot. He got close to going to this school, and he did his best.

His hand hovers on top of the wand for a moment, really wanting not to touch it, not feel the disappointment of yet another wand not working, when there's a bump against his shoulder. He looks up and Seth's smiling at him, grinning, and Ryan can't not touch it.

None of this goes unnoticed by Mr. Ollivander, whose smile turns into a smirk. Very curious, yes.

When Ryan touches it, the second his fingers lay upon the wand, he knows this is the one. There's a rightness to it he has never felt before. No, no, not true. He felt it once, walking into the kitchen of the Cohens, barely days ago. Ryan thinks nothing of it.

He grasps it, half smiling, and moves it from one side to the other. Green and blue sparkles, shots of red and gold, stars and moons, dance from out of the tip and around them. Seth starts laughing, head thrown back, so utterly delighted that Ryan can't do anything but join him, chuckling softly.

His wand. His first wand. His only wand.

"Yes, yes, just like I thought. Couldn't be any other way, it was to assume." Mr. Ollivander nods, chin on one hand, elbow resting on the palm of his opposite hand. "Very interesting."

"What is it made of?" Ryan asks, wanting to know every detail of his wand. He will know it, as much as Mr. Ollivander knows of every other wand, and he will always remember this day, this moment, this feeling that everything is right in the world.

Mr. Ollivander tilts his head to the side. "It's only natural that you want to know, child. And I must tell you. It's a mahogany wand, ten and a half inches. Pliable. Very good for transfigurations. And it's core..." He takes a deep breath, gaze once again shifting to something behind Ryan, and this time, Ryan turns around, and his eyes fall onto Seth, looking up at the man, waiting for end of the sentence. Ryan frowns. "It's core it's a dragon heartstring." He pauses. "Just as I had thought, this wand was meant to go with the one that chose Master Cohen only minutes ago."

"What--?" Ryan doesn't know where exactly to begin the question. "Meant to go? What--?"

"I had assumed they would go together because, well..." He smiles, shaking his head slightly. "Both wands are linked, by the heart of a dragon. Very powerful magic, that of a dragon. And it is only understandable, that such a pair of wands, would go to a peculiar pair of wizards, both in the same family, and yet, not blood related. "

Well, that wasn't what Ryan was expecting. Not that he'd been expecting anything, actually, but still. Ryan shrugs, not really minding. He has a wand now, and he's going to use it, and he's going to go to school and be a wizard.

Feeling someone standing by his side, Ryan turns around and looks right at Seth. They both smile at the same time, and it's like Ryan can see in Seth's face what the other boy is thinking.

They'll both go to school, and they'll be friends, and they'll both be wizards. Together. Somehow, it seems only right.

"Mr. Ollivander--"

"Will that be all, mistress Cohen?"

Kirsten purses her lips, considering pressing the issue of the boys' wands. Something in the back of her mind tells her that she should ask about it. There's something there, she can tell, that Mr. Ollivander isn't quite telling. She sighs. "Yes, that'll be all."

Kirsten pays Mr. Ollivander, seven Galleons per wand, as the boys start talking quietly. She looks right at him, pale eyes unblinking as she tries to find it in herself to ask. She doesn't. "Thank you."

The man nods and, before she loses her resolve, Kirsten turns around, letting Sandy take her hand, and the four of them make their way out of the shop.

There's only one more thing to get done, and Sandy and Kirsten walk behind the boys, watching them nudge each other, chuckling all the way into "McLachlan's Owl Residence".

"You're going to need an owl, that's for sure." Sandy says as he ushers the boys inside. "Hmm..." he turns, looking at Kirsten. "Two?"

"No, no. I don't want an owl."

Sandy frowns, turning around to look at Seth. "You don't?"

Seth shakes his head, entirely certain of his answer. "Nope. Not for me."

"Okay then," Sandy shrugs. "We'll buy Ryan one."

"No, no. I don't..." Ryan turns around to look at Seth. "You should have an owl."

"Dude, I don't want one."

Ryan squints slightly. "It's better if you have an owl." There's really no other way to put it. He can't actually tell Seth that he doesn't want Seth's parents spending too much money on him, it's better if they spend it on Seth.

"Dude, so not. Me and pets?" Seth seems to consider it for a moment. "Oh, right. We don't really get along. At all. I had a gold fish once, you know?"


Seth nods. "Though, actually, it was more like seven." He leans forward, mouth close to Ryan's ear. "Mom kept changing it whenever it died."

Ryan squints. Seven? "How long did you have that goldfish?"

"Them. Eight days."

Ryan blinks.

"Yep. See? You better take care of the owl."

"Well, I think that's settled." Sandy places his hand on Ryan's shoulder, pulling him toward the row of perches, owls of all sizes and colors standing there, hooting, picking at their wings.

"I don't really need an owl."

Sandy smiles. "Of course you do. I know Kirsten, and she'll want a letter every week, at least. And Seth's right, his track record with animals isn't the best. The owl will be safe with you." Sandy turns around, gaze shifting from one owl to the next. "Now, which one..."

Ryan stares at the animals, only half interested, more worried about the Cohens thinking this taking in a stray business, too expensive. He's about to try and tell Sandy, again, that an owl would be too much when something catches his eye.

A small owl, with reddish feathers that seems dark brown when the animal shifted, the sunrays not quite touching it, blinks at Ryan. Blue eyes meet darkest blue, and Ryan smiles, somehow smitten with the bird. He takes a step closer before pausing.

"It's okay," Sandy says, grinning. Kirsten takes a step forward, standing right behind Sandy as they watch Ryan. "I'm sure it won't bite."

Ryan frowns, turning around to look at Seth. "Do you like that one?"

Seth tilts his head, looking at the creature for a moment, half afraid he'll hurt it, half afraid the animal will hurt him. "Hmm... I don't know. Do you think he'll bite me?"

Ryan glares at the owl from the corner of his eye. "If he does, then we're not taking it."

Seth nods. "Oh, okay. I mean, Frodo wasn't very fond of me at the beginning, you know? Kept biting my finger whenever I tried to give him a snack. Only got used to me about two years ago." Seth takes a tentative step forward, reaching out with his hand.

The bird turns around, blinks, dark blue eyes seeming to look at Seth for the longest moment before bending forward and nibbling on Seth's finger.

Ryan reaches out, ready to pull Seth's hand from the animal's grasp, certain he will hurt Seth, before Seth turns around and smiles at Ryan.

"I think he likes me."

Ryan pauses, hand in mid air, head tilted. He notices that the animal, the owl, isn't really hurting Seth, barely even biting onto the finger. Seth reaches out with his other hand, petting the animal. Ryan nods, and he touches the soft feathers. Dark red, he realizes. Very dark red, and soft, and the owl turns around and nibbles at Ryan's finger once before stirring, feathers ruffling.

"Well," Kristen says, chuckling, "I think that's a unanimous decision."

Sandy grins. "I'll go pay for it."

Ryan's surprised to hear from the owner of the shop, a very nice lady, Arane, that the owl is actually female. Ryan, responsible for the owl from now on, carries the cage in one hand as they make their way out of the shop. Seth carries the bag with the owl treats, food for both her and Frodo. A new perch has been ordered to be owled tomorrow morning.

"What are you going to call it?"

Ryan frowns, glancing at the owl before shrugging. "I don't know." He pauses. "What would you call it?"

"Hmm... something cool, something important. Something that makes sense." Seth brightens up, almost beaming, "Robin."

Ryan can't quite stop the smile from going to his lips. "Robin?"

"Yeah. It's a bird, isn't it?"

"Well, yeah, but--"

"And it flies, and it's kinda pretty, and it fits, coz we used to be a duo, like Bruce and Alfred at first, and now we're like a trio." Seth nods, grinning. "So, yeah, Robin."

Ryan lifts the cage, placing it in between the two of them as they make their way down the street toward the Floo station. "Robin?"

The owl shifts, shivering, and she turns around to look at Ryan, then at Seth.

Ryan grins. "Well, yeah, I think she likes it."

"Robin," Seth tries, and she turns around, blue eyes unblinking as she stares at Seth. Seth grins. "Yep. That's Robin."

Sandy places his arm over Kirsten's shoulder, pulling her to him. He places a small kiss on the corner of her lips as Seth nudges Ryan, and Ryan chuckles, Robin hooting in her cage.

"I love you," Sandy whispers in Kirsten's ear.

Kirsten rests her cheek against Sandy's shoulder for a moment, smiling, and she tells herself that she did good, and her family, somehow, is complete. "I love you too."

The boys laugh at something only they know of, and both parents smile at their children.


*pets story* God, I just love those two. Don't you? *hugs boys*

Now, well, it's off for me. I have so much studying to get done. Argh. *shakes head*

magical fire, 30_kisses stories

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