squee me

Sep 18, 2006 14:00

First, Sonofabitch! vid :g: Oh, Dean.
Speaking of sonsofbitches, LJ needs to send me my notifications sometime this fuckin' week!

I cannot wait to see what people come up with from the prompts at spn_halloween.
Finally, a reason to look forward to Halloween. I mean, besides watching kids question my brother's non-Hobbit status (it's the toes) and eating on-sale candy. Not to mention explaining to the local trick-or-treating teenagers that, yes, while I am as old as they are I do consider myself too old for this shit.

ringwench posted this open letter to the fandom about the...discussion going on about THOSE spoilers about THAT character. ::falls down sobbing with joy:: It's all so, so true.

And I was really getting kinda confused on how many new female characters there are gonna be. But it seems they changed Alex's name to Jo.

My first thoughts on that, somewhat in order:

1. That's half the letters--easier to type! (What? I am so beat. :yawn:)

2. He paid attention when we said it was a Sue name! (Even less of one now if it's short for, like, Joanne. But then I'd lose all respect for her mother, or whoever named her. Unless they wanted her to grow up to knit, not kill demons.)

3. Holy shit, that's another J name! Now she's really a Supernatural character! (Took me long enough to figure that out.)

I am totally sure that no matter what, even if her character doesn't turn out awesome, this show will never be some shiny teeny-bopper 'ship-obsessed WB-type show. That was never really a worry, but it feels nice to remind myself of that. 'Cause I really, really love this show. And so do the people who make it, so no worries.

Oh, man, only a few more weeks... Meep!

2x02, spoilers

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